Excellent sum-up of what’s what and why.

"It’s Time to Get Real About Our Enemies"

By Karin McQuillan|

Out here in Realville, to borrow from Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump’s supporters could be very happy. For ordinary Americans—from the top to the bottom of the economic spectrum, black, white and brown—President Trump has brought good times. Except for the screeching drama queens in the Democratic Party and among #TheResistance—and our serious mass immigration problems—life is good and the country is secure.

In a sensible world, we would be basking in this period of unprecedented prosperity and peace.


Yes, Hell is on the horizon and will engulf us all if left unchecked!


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  • @Byron, Yes indeed, we must adapt & defend against evil.

  • We lost so much how can we find it again. Everything has to change and adapt.

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