The Seven Sacred Weeks
Morgan Le Fay
My beloved ones, no habit can be changed without conscious effort! If you wish to express the fullness of your Inner Christ, then you must hold your attention to it until it rises like a sun over the horizon of your outer consciousness! While you have your attention on us, we lift you up with our words, with our love and radiance, but like the crowd that followed me two thousand years ago, if when you return to your daily activities you forget us, then the pressure of the world and your own negative accumulations, hypnotize you again and you quickly return to your negative habits and feelings. […]
I would like to propose a challenge to you to remain focused, during the next 365 days, on the Christ Presence in your hearts and in us of the Ascended Host, saying “no” to everything that is discordant in the outer world. And if you are firm in this purpose, then you will see the wonderful transformation that will operate in your lives!
Repeat during this new year, with your attention turned to the Christ within your hearts: “I AM the Victory of my Ascension! I AM the Invincible Power of the Resurrection Flame operating in all that I am!” This Resurrection Flame is no myth, beloved Ones! I used this power two thousand years ago to fulfill my mission! This Flame is an Invincible Power that propels you up and into the perfection of your Higher Mental Body! Call the Resurrection of your habits in the Light! Call the Resurrection of your body and health in the Light! Call the Resurrection of your whole external activity in the Light of God that never fails! And if you are constant in your calls, you will see the miracles that will work in your world in just one year of determined application!
Beloved Jesus
For beloved Jesus’ full discourse during the Seven Sacred Weeks, see the link:
Phoenix Journal 34
Violinio Germain, & Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton
Germain stresses to us the importance of true meditation and gives excel-lent "how to" instruction to accomplish it and how to use it to control our lives. It is the most important of all the functions of human life which advances progress.
When you accomplish true meditation you are communicating directly with God for the purpose of knowingly working with Him.
Two tapes are included with this book because written word instructions usually are not sufficient in helping you to accomplish the meditative state.
We are given the TRUE definition of love and prayer (not at all what most of us consider them to be) and the importance of understanding the true definitions so that we can improve our daily lives with this knowledge.
We are told what hypnosis is and best of all how to use self hypnosis for our benefit.
Man on Earth is transitioning into the Cosmic Age and to assist us some knowledge never before given to Earth marl Is being brought forth through these JOURNALS.
There are many other topics covered to assist us in our journey into the LIGHT
Public Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To Gianna Talone- Sullivan
September 8, 2022
My dear children,
Praised be Jesus!
Docility does not reflect inferiority or weakness. It is a beautiful gift of strength from God. It reflects courage and love of Him, as you desire to respond to His Will promptly and most perfectly.
To be docile does not mean you need to be quiet or weak in nature. Some of My Son’s greatest saints reflected strength and many had strong personalities. There are many of my children today who do not understand the truth of humility or docility. God does not want to change a person’s personality. He created each soul purposely. Humility and docility are graces that reflect true spiritual maturity. When the soul desires to do what He asks because it is consumed by His love, it takes flight to dwell in His abode at all times.
God alone is enough. You will find strength and selfless ways to respond to Him, but it may not be in the selfless ways that people think you should behave. It comes from God alone who outlines the selflessness and steps to loyalty [in] fulfilling His Will planned for each one of you.
People judge because they have devised their own standards of how someone should behave. Remember that you can only respond to the level [at which] God graces you. The more you love Him, the more you will receive. The more you receive, the more you will desire.
Acceptance and perseverance to continue to seek what God desires - without being misguided by any person, is essential. Never stop listening with your heart and soul to My Son and never stop seeking to fulfill His Will, His Plan. He will see that you will do as He asks and that you are not afraid to try.
There is strength in weakness. Your weaknesses are instilled in you in order that you gain strength through surrendering. Through your suffering, you become unified with Him. This means that He has blessed you and invited you to share in His Passion.
Without God, you can do nothing. God alone is enough. He will tell you what you need to do. Remember - you are not alone. He has allowed certain things in his Divine Providence to happen to strengthen you and to test your level of fidelity to Him. It is as He tested in the past [with] Abraham and all His prophets and saints. Persevere and remain loyal to My Son. Make Him your priority.
Know there is a wonderful plan for each of you. Peace and love to you, My children. I remain with you.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Ad Deum
The Great Change And The Initiation into the Living Christ Consciousness January 7, 2023
Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - September 1, 2022
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 2, 2022
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - September 4, 2022
Greeting to all souls across the Universe. Today’s message shall be to all, but especially to Sananda’s Flock., for they need some uplifting and needed advice at this ending time.
It has been explained many times thus far that we are at the ending of this civilization. That means 10,000 years of this last civilization, which has been the MOST evil one in all 20,000 civilizations upon Earth Shan.
Finally, there have come some 3D ones that have awakened from this illusion to get the work done that has been so needed. I tell you now that the Lighted Realms were very relieved that these ones awakened from the illusion and the wiles of the Dark Ones that have occupied Earth Shan for millennias of time.
In essence, these ones comprise Sananda’s Flock, which in comparison to the growing populace are like a minuscule drop of water from all the oceans of Shan. It does not take a myriad of awakened ones to help Shan, for the power of Spirit of just these few ones have helped Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos.
I hear their pleas to come home, but St. Germain spoke to one of them to tell them the reason they are still here upon Shan.. In essence he said:
He wanted to tell me is that the reason we are still here is that there are still some things we need to do yet they will be revealed to us as we go along.
He was talking to me about what we have done and he said so you have cleared the cosmos, you meaning we have.... And he said so you also clear it away the Satanian Empire... You've helped all the beings that you've helped Mother Earth and most importantly we unlocked "THE " door of light on the central sun to allow love to flow throughout the cosmos, but you haven't helped yourselves much so what we have left to do will be those things personal to us that we have to fix before we leave..
It is time to focus on your soul growth. The lessons left to learn shall be revealed to you, ONE day at a time. You have these 24 hours to make a difference in your soul growth. Do no fret about tomorrow, nor regret about yesterday which you cannot change, but focus on today.
Ask for your frequencies to be continually at 169443, read the Journals and meditate with the Lighted Realms. As you do this, you shall be given, through your God Spirit within, what you need to accomplish in your personal lessons yet to learn.
Remember, too, that each day is really about 12 hours long due to the second being shorter from the energy of the Photon belt.
Patrick always said: “Life happens while you are making other plans”.
Stay focused, balanced centered and calm, and live one day at a time in concentration of those personal lessons you have yet to learn.
My great Liquid Love to all!