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  • PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY 6 MO SUPPLY OF DOG FOOD, YODA2967655661?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Wow for some reason, I am having a hard time posting this.  The post vanished once so far.  Now who would dare question war!  Or the bankers robing us.  Or government policies?  Answer. anyone with a brain!  If this passes, they will have to shut COSCO down!  The picture above is of my Mini Wheates.  My last bag lasted me a year!  2967655451?profile=original

  • I can't find any other reason for these "laws" except to take what food people have and give it to the fat cats, leaving the people too weak to fight back.

    "Suspected" can be very broad, including anything you want it to mean.  Some people also use the law as a club for their own personal grudges. 

    Now, if this law was based on extreme food shortages where people who buy more than a week's worth of food would be taking food out of other people's mouths, I could understand it, but I don't think those who already stored food should be dinged for it.  They didn't take food out of anyone's mouths.  They bought and stored during times of plenty.  Let's face it, the elites just don't want to have to eat worms and weeds.

  • Now every Mormon family are terrorists. SUSPECTED is the key word and the one that will be used against you. We just bought 10 1lb pkgs of bacon @ 1.99  does that mean I am a terrorist. Very good points about the frequency of being paid as to how much is in your home. It appears that this administration has no plans of leaving their perch, there has been too many exec. orders and destruction of the constitution since 2008. 

  • On the 7-day food front, does that mean that those that get paid every 2-weeks, now have to break up their shopping to weekly?  Those who get paid monthly must now make 4 weekly trips to the grocery store?  Is the 7-day "supply" per person or per household?  (What a crock... we've become a nanny state.)

    A 6-month supply of food was the limit the Patriot Act allegedly set, so we've been on notice for a decade that food regulation was coming, but this is ridonkulous.

    Even FEMA can't tell you how long a disaster might last or how soon help can arrive, so how can they even say only 7-days?  Looks like the fed is setting itself up for lawsuits.

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