If this object is (1) real and (2) 4x the size of Earth Saturn, then this would be similar to the Earth and its moon, meaning Saturn would be to this object as the moon is to Earth.
If this object is (1) real and (2) 4x the size of Earth Saturn, then this would be similar to the Earth and its moon, meaning Saturn would be to this object as the moon is to Earth.
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That is what I was thinking about the photos that they were photoshopped.
Thanks for doing that, Morris. More proof it's a hoax.
I inverted a frame from this video. IMO this is a hoax... The object is not present...
Well, November 19th was WORLD TOILET DAY.. Crazy for sure.
Yes, it was. He isn't a disinterested party just doing his public service debunking hoaxers.
He certainly had no qualms about inviting their followers over. That was kind of a rude unprofessional maneuver.
If dazza isn't a spook, he's just good at hostile takeovers. He effectively discredited SecureTeam and pitched for them to switch to him.
His youtube channel has videos back to 2012.
Okay. Well, I couldn't find anything on him, so he's a spook gunning down another spook.
I do not do FB