Thanks to Kauilapele:

[UPDATE 120620 1954 HST: I've added the remaining show's mp3s and one for the complete show]

[1:33 PM HST] I’ve been listening to the beginning of this Drake update show, and recording it. So all may receive the start of the show, and Drake’s initial message, even before the entire show is finished.

So far, he’s been discussing:

  • Reports from a few people who have called the DoD, Pentagon, lots of calls asking Qs about the arrests and the letter from Drake
  • Cobra’s information (from Lisa Harrison interview)
  • Iceland is already cleaning house (of criminals, bankers, etc.)
  • Many Asian countries are already cleaning house (of criminals, bankers, etc.)
  • First step is to cease connection to corporate entities controlling the country
  • Do not resist the military. If they come to one’s house, they’re likely the “good guys”
  • The Eric Holder and Justice Department situation.
  • Arrests, start with Eric Holder, G. W. Bush
  • “Preacher” report. Said he had heard information (from military source?) something likely occurring within 2 weeks “You’ll start seeing some crazy things happening. And we (who believe in this arrests business) are not crazy.”
  • Lady Dragon report: 1) Listened to Cobra interview. Message from him about doing mass meditation each Sunday (see this post on this blog about this).
  • 2) Mentioned her letter outlining Drake’s report of ETs helping us, etc., that was put up, then removed, by Google from their news search. BUT this letter was “picked up” and went out everywhere, White House, military, JP Morgan, and so on.
  • 3) Cobra said all things that we;re expecting to hapen, will happen (Lisa Harrison interview).
  • 4) Cobra said NO “bad” ETs are left on this planet. Cobra said people need to take action (talk, flyers, etc.).
  • Drake: remember the ETs look just like us. They are everywhere. They here to help us.
  • Stopped recording at 1:20
  • In the last part (Part 5) someone asked if some of the arrests have already been going on. Drake mentioned that the ETs have indeed been taking out one or two or more, here and there, focusing on the really “nasty”, problematic ones (note: he did not name names; BUT he did say that some of those expected to be at the last Bilderberg, were not… Hmmm… “Things that make you go, ‘Hmmm’.”)


MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB) (volume boosted) (and I missed a few seconds in Part 2 because of a human glitch (mine)) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Complete show (without music) (2 hr. 44 min., 28 MB) [click this link if you wish to download the original "Complete recorded portion (without music)" (63 min., 11 MB). This is the same as the first 63 of the "Complete Show" above.]

Drake 6-20-12 Update Show, First Hour MP3…

by kauilapele

[1:33 PM HST] I've been listening to the beginning of this Drake update show, and recording it. So all may receive the start of the show, and Drake's initial message, even before the entire show is finished.

So far, he's been discussing:

  • Cobra's information (from Lisa Harrison interview)
  • Iceland is already cleaning house (of criminals, bankers, etc.)
  • Many Asian countries are already cleaning house (of criminals, bankers, etc.)
  • First step is to cease connection to corporate entities controlling the country
  • Do not resist the military. If they come to one's house, they're likely the "good guys"
  • The Eric Holder and Justice Department situation.
  • Arrests, start with Eric Holder, G. W. Bush
  • "Preacher" report. Said he had heard information (from military source?) something likely occurring within 2 weeks "You'll start seeing some crazy things happening. And we (who believe in this arrests business) are not crazy."
  • Lady Dragon report: 1) Listened to Cobra interview. Message from him about doing mass meditation each Sunday (see this post on this blog about this). 2) Mentioned a href="/2012/06/17/news-article-by-lady-dragon-drake-disclosed-and-confirmed-that-aliens-are-among-us/" target="_blank">her letter outlining Drake's report of ETs helping us, etc., that was put up, then removed, by Google from their news search. BUT this letter was "picked up" and went out everywhere, White House, military, JP Morgan, and so on. 3) Cobra said all things that we;re expecting to hapen, will happen (Lisa Harrison interview). 4) Cobra said NO "bad" ETs are left on this planet. Cobra said people need to take action (talk, flyers, etc.).
  • Drake: remember the ETs look just like us. They are everywhere. They here to help us.
  • Stopped recording at 1:20


MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB) (volume boosted) (and I missed a few seconds in Part 2 because a human glitch (mine)) Part 1 Part 2 Complete recorded portion (without music) (63 min.,

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  • Yes that was great. I listened to part 1 and 2 is part 3 part of the complete recorded session?

  • By doing nothing you guarantee failure. You have a choice!!!

  • One More Point from the Drake Message Today…

    by kauilapele

    Perhaps some of you are "full of Drake", as it were, after all these Drake and Drake-related posts today.

    But I wanted to "point out" one of the key "points" he made today. From a couple of his sources (“Preacher”, Minuteman, et al.), he stated that there was an "indication" that “You’ll start seeing some crazy things happening" within a window of 2 weeks.

    He also said that the Pentagon, DoD, had been rather "deluged" with calls, and implied (from what I heard) that they had got the message. He emphasized that a wise step for now would be to back off of making those calls, presumably so those people can get to the business at hand (namely, “Start those crazy things happening").

    So for what that is all worth, I'm just pointing these things out, for your Higher Awareness and Discernment. And this is from what I recall from the call (exact words may not be here in what I wrote.

    I sense that we are indeed very near to the end. The end, before the New Beginning.

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