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  • The Elite certainly are not worried about it because they already have their own private grids protected. 

  • Keith, there is always that possibility.  However, grid-down solar storms have happened in the past, during an era of emerging technology where the damage wasn't as dire since our entire society didn't depend on it (telegraphs). 

    The threat of EMP-caused grid-down scenarios has been addressed by the Congress, so the threat is real enough.  Is the severity of the threat being embellished?  My sense is that it isn't, but that NASA can't predict one way or the other, and may be trying to warn people of the possibility (which they are probably allowed to do since they certainly can't hide CME's and flares, and the concept of EMP damage has been publicly aired by Congressional inquiries).

  • You don't. 

  • How do you put a price on ten years of no power and mass starvation.

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