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  • Hi Keith


    If war broke out in such a large sandbox then I could make a lot of money selling my weapons to the effected

    countries and make a killing.(bad choice of words) Even Russia (weapons manufacture's, who backs Syria would make money supplying them with more arms would profit.

    Oil? well I guess oil would be in high demand to run the war machine too, along with the clothing needed to protect the fighters, and they also need food.

    Hey, why we are at it let's go further. Yes, the grimm reaper. I also need a 2000$ casket and a 150$ pillow and a lining that looks like a golf case it gets uncomfortable and boring 6 feet under. Life insurance, Uh? will they really pay off? I mean, years afterwards the vets with God knows what kind of illnesses. oh, that leaves the pharma industry too! Yea, they could also cash in treating the ill.

    I am on your side Keith. They are trying to suck us in on taking sides (wich will only lead to more fighting) and that is what they want. All over the world countries have mixed races and religions and when TSHTF more is to come.

    I hope it does not come to this and if it does I hope the people open there eyes and see the truth.

    There is no good reason to start a war, Only bad ones.

  • No, I don't think so.

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