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  • Better them than Pennsylvania :)  Memorial day weekend here was cooler than normal.  Felt like April.  Blech

    Yes the weather is changing.  The signs are there, however those who are not paying attention (or have chose not to pay attention any more) will suffer the most.  

  • With the bees still vanishing and cold and snow and floods, do you think someone is trying to send us a message?   Looks to me like it could be another bad crop year.  Perhaps it is time for all the procrastanators to start stocking up on canned goods?  Yes, you will need more then food if the shift hits the fan.  But it is a start. 

    One more thing----when disasters strike, like the destruction we just saw in OK, people are sick with greef.   Some people have acid reflux, and some just plane eating problems.  If this is the case be sure to stock up on things to eat light.  Things like soda crackers, cookies, cereal, energy bars, etc., for a few days. 

  • According to this article:, it's the latest in the season it has ever had a foot of snow on the ground (in that location).

    This article gives some historical dates:  1816 had a bad "year without summer" because of a volcanic explosion in Indonesia.  I wonder if all the volcanoes popping off are having a cumulative effect?

  • Wow...Has it ever snowed there this late before?

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