Does anyone think Nancy and the Zetas might be expecting their STO guy Obama, might finally (fully) disclose PX and alien stuff on the 4th of July?
The thought just crossed my mind as I was reading the latest Fulford stuff. anyworm, what do ya think?
Yep. $80 Billion in offshore accounts (Anonymous expose). Really "invested" in the country he leads.
he's a STS.... service to Satan! ...yep
Anyone who orders a stand-down and let's American embassy personnel be killed, not an STO trait.
Anyone who refuses to present a valid birth cert is hiding something, thus is deceitful, not an STO trait.
Anyone with a kill list and defends drone attack at every opportunity has no STO traits to me.
I have always wondered how an STO could do the things he's done. He may be an "old soul" but not old soul's are necessarily good. It's been said he been basically "role playing" as a deep mole for the good guys. I guess that includes all those golf games and parties and vacations at the taxpayers' expense. No, I don't see him as STO, never have.
I agree with you Byron, this government will keep a lie of that size going until its too big to hide. From what I can tell, Obama doesn't exhibit STO characteristics per the Zetas description. He has very casually worked to dismantle the Constitution of the US and used executive orders to subvert Congress. If any disclosure comes, it will most likely come from whistleblowers who have a good conscience and fit the real description of STO. All aliens aside, simple logic shows that this administration can't be trusted.
Hey America we have been lying to you for over 60 years, That will not happen IMO. Maybe a fake alien invasion.
Since I don't follow Zetatalk, I don't know. There are other, conflicting opinions about disclosure. David Wilcock is thinking it might be late June/early July. Athabantian/Mark Kimmel just came out with the earthchanges won't be so bad and disclosure won't happen soon because it would create panic. So, choose your flavor.