Hey Cheryl,
How are your holidays? As we transition into 2020, I want to send you this gift for your home. Originally produced for our 5G Summit, we're now making it permanently free & available only for our subscribers. (People have sent me a ton of requests for this!)
I've teamed up with co-author Oram Miller, BBEC, EMRS, and we've packed a lot of knowledge this one powerful 19-page Guide. These are the BEST TIPS and links to the exact solutions that are most recommended to cut your exposure to EMF radiation, and to boost the health and resilience of your body and mind.
HOW TO USE THE GUIDE: Even though this Guide includes 7 different solution areas, there are over 30 individual tips & links... with many links to the specific products recommended by the Building Biology Institute and myself. It is *super handy*, but also could be overwhelming to try to do it all.
So, I'd recommend to implement 1 or 2 of the tips each week. Do the easiest "low hanging fruit" first, then progressively implement more tips. Every step will reduce your EMF exposure. I'd encourage you to print it out and check off each one as you go.
May this resource be useful for you, and may it benefit the quality of life of you and your loved ones in 2020 and beyond.
Sincerely, Josh del Sol
This Just In! A development in the USA...
I just received this update from Paul M and Susan Clarke, who have been creating a community strategy to leverage the NEPA ruling in August (DC Circuit Court):
From: Paul M [of http://mystreetmychoice.com] Subject: Ask and Ye Shall Receive... NEPA review is required, spread the word.
Great work, Susan.
Ask and ye shall receive . . .
This just came in from Western Springs, IL. The application was deemed incomplete, while awaiting a "NEPA Review", among other information requirements.
You can download the letter here --> https://scientists4wiredtech.com/action/nepa-strategies/#incomplete
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Reply from: Susan Clarke
Yes, this one was a huge victory, in part because the community people were actually resistant to trying it!
Once they got over that hurdle, they were still nervous; but look how it turned out!
Happy New Year, All! Susan
The tower at Weston has been removed! [Facebook]
A group of fierce moms and advocates in Ripon, CA have successfully had the tower at Weston Elementary removed. While this is an excellent achievement, until they HARDWIRE the school and remove any Wi-Fi routers that may be on their buses, there will be continuing incidents of cancer and other chronic conditions / diseases and those already challenged will be unable to heal in this manmade environmentally toxic environment. Watch now
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Million Faces Productions, c/o #339 - 14241 NE Woodinville Duvall Road, Woodinville, Washington [98072], United States