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  • Yep, Pandora's Mix, LOL

    It is interesting how humanity has been forewarned so many times about the horror that is being committed on them but chooses to ignore it. The culprits are off the hook because they have warned us and since we have not protested we are giving our approval to them.

    But not all of us approve by silence because the group that disapproves is growing daily.

    Interesting time ahead. 

  • They should of called the vaccine " Pandora's Mix."  I have read the Covenant before and it is exactly what they are doing to us. The protocols of Zion has also been accomplished.

  • zon.jpg Montague Keen - November 17, 2013

  • Kim,

    It is called Pandramrix and it causes narcolepsy. Can you imagine a whole society of humans constantly falling asleep.

    Jacks, that is a good declaration and it sums it all up fairly neatly, but Griffin's opinion is it was not written by the real culprits. No matter, it still does a good job laying out their long range plan.



  • What new vaccine are they pushing?  I just don't have time to view all videos that come through here.

  • It is hard to believe that any normal human could make and promote this stuff. These monsters doing this cannot be human.

  • Yes, as the narrator of the video said... the Fear and Doom Agency (or something like that).

  • I thought that was what FDA always did as it's main function - creating customers, not cures.

  • {Shudder}

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