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  • I agree, Peter.  It sounds plausible.

  • Cheryl, regarding the "reflection of a biosphere" theory - I was expanding on Sandra Hillard's comment from earlier in this thread where she said:

    "I was reading that every year about this time those cameras pick up a sort of ghost effect from the moon. I forgot the term they used for it. It's like a reflection of the moon that the camera picks up due to the alignment of everything. This is why it has crators. I didn't want to believe that at first but if you do some checking it looks to be true."

    Assuming this theory is correct, and that the Moon could somehow be reflected in a camera shot (in a sort of ghost effect), then why couldn't this reflection happen for any other large satellite - such as a biosphere!

  • That could be a possibility, too, Kim.  However, if they can do that, they can prevent it from hitting Earth or any of the other theories out there.

  •   If PX was within Mars orbit, yes I would think we would be rocking and rolling!  Unless some other alien technology or Divine intervention was mitigating it's effects on the earth.

  • Oh, go mist yourself and cool down, RLP.  :-D

    IF it were PX, Earth would be rockin' and rollin'.  So I think that fact alone rules out the PX theory.

    IF it is a planet-sized biosphere or other spacecraft, they do have the ability to cloak themselves.  It seems they show up as shadows when they block light. 

    That orb has been making the rounds, thus it appears to be under intelligent control rather than a comet on an orbit.  So, with what I think I know at this precise moment, my vote is that it is spacecraft or planetoid under intelligent control, rather than a heavily magnetic rogue planet on an elliptical orbit.

  • What gets me, if this could be PX, in spite of its strange ability to stay hidden......anything that huge or close.....wouldn't we be able to see it?? If you see it next to our planet like it is in that video, then why is it so difficult to catch visually, even for a short length of time? Didn't that thing look massive and right on top of us?? Isn't it supposed to be swinging around the sun by now and back out of our solar system? Wishful thinking, right? I think I'm breaking into a sweat! LOL!
  • Here is a recent prophecy, or vision, as given by a priest who used to be on FB.  If he is right, then how long will it be before the really large object reaches us?  Here is what Father MP had written in an email:

    I was able to ask Jesus a question through a seer on December 7, which was: is comet ISON related to the Warning?

    Jesus said yes! And not only that but it is around Jupiter size - huge. But wait, there's more. Nibiru (can also be called Hercolubus) is also in the solar system neighborhood along with ISON, following behind. Nibiru is larger than Jupiter, so perhaps 2000X the size of the earth. Not trivial. In fact, one honest YouTuber monitors what he can and he has noticed something not reported and hidden by NASA. See these videos.

    Pay attention to the 3rd video, which mentions predictions made by a scientist many decades ago about Hercolubus (Nibiru).

    So it would seem the Warning truly is close given these objects are in the inner solar system (inner means within Mars orbit).

  • Peter, that's a new theory I hadn't heard, that it could be a reflection of a biosphere.  Is that possible, with the sun coming up.  If it was close to Earth, wouldn 't it be in shadow?  Not sure how this works.

    LOL, Byron. 

  • Wonder if the same guy does birth certificates on the side ?

  • That's the one Donald / Cheryl.

    If it is a fake, it is a sloppy job (ie with the image superimposed partly over the building) - so why such a sloppy job if they are trying to dupe us?

    Having said that, if it's real, I have no explanation for it appearing "over" the building.

    I've heard the possibility that these anomalies could be the moon reflected in the camera lens - well, if that's possible then it's also plausible that it could be some other object (eg biosphere) reflected in the camera lens.

    Anyway, I'm with you Donald - open to all possibilities - but still waiting for the truth!

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