51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”"
This is a good one. Sharia law is being upheld in a few jurisdictions and trying to branch out more, yet it certainly falls into this classification of "terrorist." I'm sure it is probably quietly exempt.
52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”
53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”
But this next one is curious, you're a terrorist if you are anti-Catholic (see Vatican pawprints on this one)...
56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”
But, you're a terrorist if you belong to ...
72. Evangelical Christians
Each item is linked to its source. It's B.S. our gov't is thinking these things, much less saying them.
Most of what I read was BS! A letter here or a statement there.. Some of it was completely contrary like #2 and #7. And it seems to me that it is just another story to get the masses worked up. More mind games. They did this kind of thing trying to cover up the Roswell crash and the us involvement with aliens. "I am OK, you are the crazy one!" thing. Basicly what it said was, "I hate you all , every one of you!" Did they leave anyone out? Yes! They left out the dummies who have their head in the sand!
That's a good point.
Thinking about Catholics is it their plan as a one world religion. I don't think the NWO would be able to control Islam.
Yeah, I failed it, too. This list is so outrageous, I can't believe all these groups haven't stormed DC. I think it covers most Americans (except Catholics because the corrupt Vatican has the power and the big bucks). Talk about politicizing religion.
OH boy did I ever fail that test. Who do you think is going to operate the big sliding blades that cut heads off, yes the non terrorist that enjoy doing it for Allah. Every time I read something like this I feel like I entered the Twilight Zone.