7/7 Midwest Staged Disaster Warning!!! (from Terral)

From: TerralO3  | Jun 27, 2011  | 7,598 views
Factions working inside and outside our corrupt Federal and State Govts are deliberately orchestrating a 'Staged Disaster' in the upper Midwest starting with the Gavin's Point Dam that was reported in this video in June 20, 2011:


Our group has known for some time that this kind of staged event would take place in the upper Midwest, but now the intelligence reports are painting a precise picture of what is actually going to take place. Everyone in the Midwestern USA downstream from these dams is in GREAT DANGER. The corrupt Govt is deploying troops into these areas to in anticipation of a great catastrophe, but without warning the general public! Their plan is to 'divide' the USA by a great wall of water, until the ELE dwarf star gets here and liquifies the entire central USA from Louisiana to Michigan. The salt dome under the Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana was destroyed during the Gulf Oil Crisis, so that ELE will shake the entire region and cause the entire region to collapse! Check out the motel rooms in the Midwest to see if you have troops everywhere with orders to remain there until 7/7/2011. Then explain to me WHY they are staying in those rooms away from their families for two weeks?? They know the Gavin Point Dam is wired with explosives and they also know that dam has cracks that can let go at any moment. If the dam does not break by 7/7/2011, the plan is to detonate the explosives and cause the 'Staged Event.'







Navy Map Of Future: http://imageshack.us/f/121/gasa.jpg/

ELE 7/7 Warning Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9qRdT1rFi0

ELE 6/27 Gavin Point Dam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0paWqvgQ5A


Planet X Brown Dwarf Australia: http://chat.paltalk.com/g2/paltalk/1402173405

Planet X Dwarf Star Europe: http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1402940574?refc=83111

Oklahoma Missouri: http://express.paltalk.com/index.html?gid=1403121635&...

South Georgia Survial and Research for Elenin: http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1403124976/

ELE Survival group Florida: http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1403122663

Planet X ELE Colorado: http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1403125233/


9/26/2011 Warning Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqV0StQbJQs

ELE Event Timeline: http://planetxtownhall.com/index.php?topic=2192.0

Survival Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzoCYCJUjvs

Survival Post: http://planetxtownhall.com/index.php?topic=2407.0

ELE Survival Info Post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fac6c0IkEe0

ELE Threat Assessment Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-NA2pVs9xM

ELE Threat Assessment Chart: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c266/Terral03/ELEThreat...

ELE 7/7/2011 Warning Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9qRdT1rFi0

We Need Assistance! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vqI2LS0jso

Tracking ELE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhwAj485NwU

Tracking ELE Post: http://planetxtownhall.com/index.php?topic=2193.0

25 Dwarf Star Signs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfX5zl6ynbU

Radio Show Link List: http://sites.google.com/site/eledwarfstar/

June 2, 2011 ELE BlogRadio with Nixie LaRue: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nixielarue/2011/06/03/comet-...

June 12, 2011 ELE BlogRadio with Nixie LaRue: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nixielarue/2011/06/12/elenin...
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  • Not just the old thinkers.....we today are doing pretty much the exact same thing. 
  • It seems like the old thinking of a gradual evolutionary change is still foremost in people's thinking. And this seems to be genuine.  Even Einstein could not conceive of an object passing the earth and causing massive earth changes.  Thinking will reflect this in literature on how the old thinking tries to cope with the sudden changes that are occurring with every conceivable excuse it can come up with.
  • "A Special Report Written for the Department of Defense"

    found it if anyone is interested:



    (source: http://www.yankton.net/articles/2011/06/28/community/doc4e094cae811...)


    The 26-hour day signaled the beginning of non-stop frenetic activity, including a continuous move to new work locations and new quarters, Heier said.

    “We were moving every three days,” he said. “At Pierre, we moved from the high school gym to the Indian Learning Center, then to the Yankton Armory then to Vermillion where we stayed at (the University of South Dakota).

    “When we weren’t working 12-hour shifts, we were using the ‘down time’ for moving from one place to another.”

    However, the unit never lost its morale, Heier said.

    “We busted our butts, but there was no fighting (among ourselves). Everyone got along really well,” he said. “You just took it in stride, that this was what we needed to do.”

    Charlie Battery showed tremendous productivity during the mission. Schild released the following statistics for each station:

    • At Pierre/Fort Pierre, the unit filled 100,000 sandbags weighing 40-60 pounds apiece; filled 206 Helo bags weighing 2 tons and placed 5,000 sandbags on levees.

    • At Yankton, the unit filled 178,000 sandbags and 206 Helo bags. The HEMETT (Heavy Expanded Military Tactical Truck) transported 100 Helos to the landfill and transported sandbags to the Human Services Center (HSC).

    • At Vermillion, the unit fllled 7,500 sandbags.

    • At Wynstone, the unit placed 100,000 sandbags and fortified 9,100 feet of levees.

    • At Dakota Dunes, the unit filled 20,000 sandbags.

  • Could be info in someone's head who just hand-drew it, not an official Navy document.
  • Link to an Upstream webcam for Gavins Point Dam:


    Live cam available Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pmS

    pecial thanks to Walmart for webcam, Wireless World for internet service and the Corps of Engineers for location.

  • It could be a wag-the-dog mission ... add to that a second message from the head of NASA to their members to prepare .............................................
  • Dianna Spencer channel at YouTube... Thanks...

    Was wrong.. JP Moore, not CIA, but covert ops in terrorism.. go to his web page, The Liberty Man. 

    There is so much out there that we have not been told, being the 'uneducated masses' ... right... makes me so mad... Thanks, Byron, I will... just another friend mentioned it recently.

    The map... story is, was made/drawn on a sheet of paper and not wanting it to 'get out'... kept simple..

  • Diana just google satinic numbers and you will see several explainations I useds to study these to figure out when the next murder was coming. It is very sick but very relivent to dates like 9/11. 666,333 any combination of three or 6's # 27 which is 3x9   
  • Dianna, it is good to hear that J Moore is credible. I've gathered quite a bit of info from the vid series, in the past and just today, as reminders. I don't discount the fact that something is happening, and probably at the hands of some 'evil' beings. But, I do question whether or not the rabbit hole owners just have an advantage because of their stages in life, vs. being in on the plans.

    If the map was, indeed, created by the Dept. of the Navy, why is it so crude? Do you have any idea?

    And, what is your YouTube channel... would love to see what you have.


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