78 answers of an alien


I just viewed this 78 clip on youtube; 8 minutes; or you can go to 77 clip and look on the left side to loacte 78 clip




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Published on May 21, 2012 by Spezia54

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  • Thanks Hung Le, I will look for it.

  • @ Rosemary S: I just go to the Youtube and type atlanticobr; this is Captain Bill channel; on the right side corner ,you will find Mythie pdf video 78; there is a video download , but I don't know how, sorry

  • Thank you very much Hung Le for this information.

  • I did viewed this 78 video clip, 8 minutes length; the day after, this clip was gone; sorry

    here are  main points:

    1/ the depopulation by the elites in the East India and in China

    2/ Mythie comments about " high speed": people on earth think of speed of light is the max speed; but within the ability of Et, INSTANT is the max speed...just takes a few minutes to open the portal...

    3/ planet x, or Nibiru was " towed" to near Oort Cloud and Neptune and waiting to be " released" back in its orbit, to fulfill its mission


    My comment: I'm not surprised with the INSTANTANEOUS SPEED mentioned by Mythie; this kind of speed was mentioned elsewhere in spiritual literature, folklore, legend, Indian scriptures...practiced by masters of yoga, by Babaji ( master of Yogananda)....

    Object appears in one place and disappears and re-appear and different places...Quantum physics and hologram mentioned this fact; Michael Talbot wrote the famous book: The Holographic Universe, mentioned in " Conversations with God"

    another word: ( instant teleportation)



  • Clip would not load. :( is there an external link, please? Tx!
  • I could not find 78. Is there another way to access the video?

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