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Topic started on 12-4-2004 @ 10:17 AM by Muaddib
Two days ago Ed Dames appeared on the Art Bell show once more and he gave some new insights to his predictions.
While some of the predictions covered in sunday morning program he had made in the past, there were some new ones.
He has not been 100% right in all his predictions in the past, but he has been right in so many that it is worth to take notice and follow up on his predictions. I am not sure if this will happen like he says but i am posting them as he said them.
He actually said before it happened, avian diseases and bovine disseases. I have been listening to Art Bell, on and off since there are things he covers i don't listen to, since 1998 and many predictions of Ed Dames have come to pass. He said the jetstream will drop down long before it happened, he predicted a mother of all tornadoes will happen an F5. He said then there will be a shot across the bow which will be the biggest ever solar flare. In October last year he said the sun was about to go on a rampage and in November we had the shot across the bow which was an X45 or so flare.
I do beleive it is worth to note and see what happens, more so if many of his predictions have come to pass. I am posting these to see how accurate his future predictions are and to have them recorded in a forum.
In this last interview he said:
This year there will be global superstorms. The tornados will be huge and will cause great catastrophe.
Ohio will be hit this year by a huge tornado.
The next use on a "battlefield" of an atomic bomb will be done by North Korea, according to him it will be detonated in the North Korean peninsula. He also said the bomb is already in place in the Korean peninsula not far north from the DMZ. A bigger war would ensue but because a big natural event the war will not go too far.
There will be a space shuttle which will be forced to land due to a meteor shower and a couple of months later or so disaster starts.
He doesn't know the exact time this will happen. He says this forced landing is the nearest event to this big natural event.
Shuttles will resume flights at the beginning of 2005, right now they are grounded. (The grounding of the shuttles is not a prediction or the day when they will resume flights)
After this, very soon after, not years but some months later the sun will begin to send killer shots to the Earth. The sun will get pockmarked by solar flares. The killer shots from the sun will come one after another taking down all satellites and the power grid will shot down.
He doesn't know if these killer shots are produced because of the passing planet, but they will be very close together. He says it will pass us, its planet size, and will go around the sun and will pass us once again.
We would have around three months in advance before the passing of this planet because it will be seen.
When you see this forced landing it will be the beginning of all this. He said to go to high ground by this time and if possible to go underground for a couple weeks, 3,000 feet above sea level, or far inland from any coasts, or if you have a large sailboat with a very heavy keel it will right itself. He also said to get out of the cities, that anything is better than being caught in any city.
As this planet passes there will be waves of 2,000 feet because the Earth will wobble and a shift will most probably also occur. 300 mph winds will sweep accross the Earth. After the wobble a couple of days later after the kinetic energy is passed to the atmosphere the wind will pick up.
He said because of this passing there will be many nuclear reactors broken and this will cause a lot of problems. Many of the coastal reactors will end up in the bottom of the sea like the structures that were found off the coast of Cuba.
He said a couple billion people will die because of this passing space object causing all of these catastrophes, and a couple billion more will die in the aftermath as we will go through a mad max scenario.
He also said that people have been getting and more people will be having more dreams of planet X, and these catastrophes and what they would do to Earth. He has seen the same through remote viewing for some time now and he did not want to believe this was possible even thou he and other remote viewers had seen this planet passing.
[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Muaddib]
I hope this is of interest, certainly we are seeing the beginning signs aren't we?
Maybe this may sound far fetch, but my sister had a dream where she saw space debris hit the area where she now lives. The noise it made when it hit the ground was deafening. I was reading my dream log yesterday. It seem that there is a delay in the predicted events because we are not really ready. Does anyone is franticly preparing for survival.
Nicholas these prediction were interesting.
a small note on the booms you heard. when the Virginia underground complex exploded if we can believe some accounts, the mots eerie sound was heard at a baseball match. also a chap did a youtube video from his house I think where the sound of multiple booms could be heard, maybe as many as eight or more, in about two second succession I will try and find it for you.
the sound at the baseball mathc was the sound of compressed air being vented. the boms i cannot say.
I am listening juts now to Ed dames on John Moore show and will post the link about an hour from now very very interesting indeed.
I will say this , Lorraine, the more I look into this subject the more I a intrigued by it. after a few years of researching, I still find gems here and there, most fascinating!!!!
Quite Interesting!
I myself have had dreams of approaching planets
I also had a dream a couple years ago
I was hiding in my basement ( I did not have a basement at the time of the dream) and there were LARGE booom sounds and the earth was shaking with every sound
It sounded like dinasours were walking on the earth
BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM as if a walking pace
When the sounds stopped I went outside and I was standing in my yard, I was on a hill looking around
There was destuction every where but my propery and house were untouched
I now have a basement and I live on a hill (we did not buy this house because of the basement or hill, the dream never accured to me at the time)
I told my husband about the dream when I had it because it was so real and I really felt it was a message
I can still visualize the dream as if I had it last night
I am now wondering if the booms were asteroids