I couldn't find the thread we were posting dates on.  Could you cross-post this link to there?  Thanks.  (P.S., this is really getting creepy!)


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  • See, we're being sidetracked by the smoke and pony shows!
  • No, I certainly got side tracked with the HAARP issues and levee cuz it's not far from me... 
  • Apparently so, Jason.
  • So groovy, you're on to something with this.  Too many coincidences.  And I posted it totally certain you had caught it and I had missed it.  LOL!
  • Cheryl, if you don't mind I'm going to put this all together on a blog I'll put up in about 10 minutes...with all the odd dates...
  • Sorry, this one calls for the "WTF?" Yes, Alesiah, please cross link to the other page... I must have missed that line of postings.


  • Dear L-rd, I missed that one.. Thanx Cheryl.. Holy-Crap to that one!!!!
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