The title says "attack" but I think "reach" Earth is more like it. SETI is tracking them. The largest is ~ 200 miles wide.
The title says "attack" but I think "reach" Earth is more like it. SETI is tracking them. The largest is ~ 200 miles wide.
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I've seeing somewhere that people with a blood tipe with an RH negative are descendant of ETs.
Does anyone knows something about it?
there is s story Ingo Swann tells of his days remote viewing. if I get the story right, he was viewing some alien bases on the back of the moon, Aristotle crate, was one of them Darwin another I think. whilst he was walking one day and visiting a store, he came across a fabulous looking voluptuous female who looked at him across the isle. . something in his mind warned him to steer clear of herb at all costs, she was highly telepathic, and a danger to him.he made rapid haste out of the shop. I think the danger was for her mind to make contact with his.
there are toehr tales, Joirdna maxwell tells a tale about hujs early years dating a girl he met. her father it seems was not quite human or from this planet, and one day, outside , with the girls father, the man looked up at the sky, as if talking to someone in the distance. suddenly three or four mukltcolored craft appeared, then slowly they f drifted over to the far hills.
Jordan says liitle in conclysion ot thus but I could go on. read Timothy good for more of these.!!!
there are definitely no terrorists, save US /UK governments and a few others. I think they are worried, and this TSA dragnet is aimed not at us but at these beings who are infiltraing amongst us.
it s interesting what you say about bloo9d tests. aren't infants given a blood test at births and isn't this stored? I have heard the facility at pine gap in Australia store the blood and DNA of most of the people on earth. A rumor maybe but strange things are hidden at Pine Gap.
this is what Bob Dean has been saying all these years. command sergeant bob dean. his best interviews are on project Camelot website. he says they are so like earth humans you could pass them in the street.
it has been my speculation later echoed by Kerry that the airport body scanners are to detect or deter those who have a human appearance but are not born of thus world. also they may be to detect the hybrids who have dual genetics.
Now, this idea came ti me as Soon as the scanners were made public. now they are wheeling these out onto US highways. we are probably being infiltrated, and there may ab major dissension , in fact war, amongst the powers that be. and it is the cabal, the dark cabal, who are trying to protect themselves from these star people. this may be what Benjamen Fulford has been alluding to and others.
We are seeing the end game now, and the next weeks and months may not be too pleasant on the surface. the seeming fact the start people are at least walking amongst us does however give me hope, so long as they are of the Light
I know they are out there, and I bekive that there are good ones and bad ones. I just hope the good ones reach us first.
I've being watching a program in the History channel: "Aliens from the past". Exelent program, they actually bring proofs of alien visitations in the past, and alien living among us in different times of our history, even Von Daniken speaks in some of the chapters! I recomend it to all those whanting to learn more about this theme.
I was hoping Larry would join this conversation so I could say if Planet X doesn't show, then we're going to worship Planet Zeeba (and use that article as absolute proof). And after that, who knows, maybe Planet X-Y-Z. ;-)
However, despite all the disinformation, they are out there, there are good ones (brain-sucking is disgusting to some of them), and most have never been extras on the set of Starship Troopers or played footsie with the US Gov't.
Okay, so I was in a mood when I posted it.
There is much disinformation discrediting ET's so use your best judgment.