May 2, 2013 at
I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past 2 weeks, and I got very clear about a new experience which I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders. I was told about this amazing time for many years, and, now that it is finally here, I still have a sense of disbelief and awe about it all. But myself, and others are having similar experiences in the last few weeks. The first signs of physical ascension are here.
Related Article . . . One experience I had about what it might be like when we go to the new world:
So . . . I was having these little episodes where I would find myself somewhere else, and then I was slammed dunked back into this world. This was not very fun by the way. It felt different from the dimensional shifts, OBE’s, astral travel, etc. which I have experienced in the past. It happened a few times over the course of the last few weeks. When I would come back, I could not remember anything, and thus had nothing to share as well. It was frustrating to say the least.
One day, while camping at the ocean’s edge, my partner Raphael and I, had a calling to go lay down on the sand. By the way, the sand in Southern California is silicon based and acts like an enormous crystal. We were both out almost instantly. It didn’t feel like I went to sleep. There again, I found myself in another reality that was not yet complete. I saw what I would call a description of myself anchored there. There were a lot of other things that I saw that I could not describe to you now.
Neither one of us knew how long we were gone, or if it was instantaneous. What brought me back into my body was a HUGE rush of energy that felt like it spun my brain around. I was massively dizzy, and it felt like I was going to fall off the beach. I grabbed a hand full of sand. This was followed with a huge rush of nausea. It was all gone in seconds. I opened my eyes and was confused to see where I was, and how long I had been gone. I didn’t move and tried to remember as much as I could. Then the Star Elders wanted me to share this message . . . because it is time . . .
From the Star Elders . . .
LOL, Jacks.
When I get relaxed sometimes just a slit second I would fall on my a_s if I were not laying down already!
Most of the time I know I've been somewhere when I wake up.
Physical Ascension Signs/Check List . . . some people are experiencing . . .
*** Waking up from dreams knowing that you were somewhere else that looked similar to Earth, but it was not; yet it felt as real as this world;
*** A feeling like you were somewhere else but can remember where;
*** Waking up confused, unsettled, and apprehensive; like you lost something or you are in the wrong place;
*** A strong sense that something is coming soon, but yet you are oddly comfortable with the feeling;
*** Feeling jolts of electricity racing through your body;
*** Strong and sudden nausea;
*** Feeling like you are imploding or like you are in a pressure cooker;
*** A loud ringing, buzzing in the ears;
*** Finding yourself on hold or waiting for something, but you don’t know what it is; and
*** Feeling like you are in a time warp.