- Renegotiate our trade deals with China and Mexico : 31769 - 52.11%
- Lower taxes : 18524 - 30.38%
- Keep the minimum wage, don't increase it : 3465 - 5.68%
- Enlist the help of business friends like Carl Ichan : 5720 - 9.38%
- Yes : 51622 - 84.67%
- No : 1032 - 1.69%
- Keep parts of it, but repeal the rest : 7825 - 12.84%
- Increase the reitrment age : 6640 - 10.89%
- Reduce benefits : 243 - 0.40%
- Eliminate foreign aid payments : 40768 - 66.87%
- Privatize Social Security : 12219 - 20.04%
- Build a wall between the US and Mexico : 15975 - 26.20%
- Begin to deport all people in this country illegaly : 16087 - 26.39%
- Stop all immigration from countries known to harbor terriorsts : 27736 - 45.49%
- Leave immigration as is : 505 - 0.83%
- Institute a flat tax : 41052 - 67.34%
- Reduce taxes for all : 12046 - 19.76%
- Increase taxes for all : 239 - 0.39%
- Only increase taxes on the wealthy : 5168 - 8.48%
- Leave the current tax system as is : 1671 - 2.74%