Wow, the Old Soul-Starseed, Nobel War Prize winner is the only one that wants to go kill a bunch of people. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?
Wow, the Old Soul-Starseed, Nobel War Prize winner is the only one that wants to go kill a bunch of people. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?
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Good reason Don
LOL, Don.
Look for something else more sinister.
This distraction is a major one.
His teleprompter is in the shop for service.
OK I will keep my eyes open, oh God I hate to hear him speak.
You're right. TV coverage, but there will be tape playback. Guess he doesn't want to answer questions?
I thought he just excluded TV coverage.
He excluded the press. Probably announced he is now Earth's emperor.
I agree premeditated murder against humanity I really hope this does not happen. I want to hear what he said at 2:30 I have been looking
I'd rather see the people not be murdered, and him dethroned.
This is good news, people are really waking up to the consequences of attacking Syria. All but the emperor. The war is what he wants and needs to destroy Amerika. Murdering a million people to cover up his scandals temporarily will surely dethrone him shortly.