Hollis (of Vermont) was the first one to show me a video of “Comet” Ison. The video showed it was clearly not a comet.

Here is what Tolec announced, just now…

“Announcement: 08.30.13. Regarding the alleged – “Comet Ison”. It is not a comet. This is a large scale ship operated by Galactic Federation forces. Expect it to arrive in the ‘sol’ (solar) system, in Earth’s ‘space’ & in orbit over this planet… sometime in the near future. Consider this sighting to be another major harbinger of the many changes coming to this planet! “

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  • I agree, why not disabled them all.  I think because they can only intervene if they will be used to cause harm.  If they aren't being used, they are not causing any harm. 

  • Why not just disable them all - gone - done and dusted!

  • If it is a ship operated by the Galactic Federation forces - I hope they don't stick to the non-intervention policy .... because the way things are going we need them to step in and neutralize every weapon of mass destruction on this planet! ASAP!!!!!!

  • According to Tolec, it's the Galactic Federation (that which he has stated is different from the Galactic Federation of Light).  My understanding is that these ships are manned by multi-species.

  • I watched both videos and I have to really does look like a craft with symmetrical form! We all know how NASA artists like to keep busy by airbrushing the firmament all cozy and safe for us, but this image is spectacular! I'd love to know who is piloting it! :)
  • Oh and you are welcome Peter :)

  • Peter, I try to put all the clues together with what is in prophecy in the Bible, through Marian/Jesus visionaries, and through other sources like new age channelings.  So take what all these have in common and keep collecting the pieces to the puzzle.  And this is the information I have so far.  They all can't be wrong!

  • Thanks for your clarification Kim.

    And, can I forth that!

  • I third that! :)

  • I second that!

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