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  • I hope you are wrong on this one Lorraine... If Anon is CIA/Black ops than all may be lost. I can't help but compare this idea to the movie invasion of the body snatchers of the Thing. I am also quite the Conspiracy Theorist myself, but if all we see around us are enemies and counter-revolutionaries than how will we ever accomplish real change? As to the people that will be hurt... I feel for all of them. This will be devastating, but maybe this is the only way to affect real change. To crash the corrupt system. Maybe it's like ripping off the band aid quickly, to get it over with? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE LET THIS BE REAL...
  • IMO

    I feel Anonymous may/is not our friend.

    If they do accomplish the black out on wall street we may lose our internet

    I read all the post and I think these posts ring the truth (there are an few more logical posts , I just picked a few):

      Anonymous=CIA/NSA/homeland security black ops

     Go for the root.. not the tree... (meaning go after the fed)

      Just a thought: "Anonymous is a SUIT." THINK about that..The dude who is allowing them to use Zuccotti Park, a privately owned park, also owns the WORLD FINANCIAL CENTER.

      THIS IS A FUCKING CONSPIRACY! They are threatening to hack wall street!? WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL COME OF THIS?


      I'll bet you all think that Google/YouTube doesn't know who's posting these silly videos. Anonymous? Come on, get real.

     Consider me an avid conspiracy theorist, though it seems to me this may be a plot by the US Government.  They wish for the allegiance of the people. They have completed their business with those on Wall Street, and see them now as a way to gain the allegiance of those effected by this scheme. Another theory I consider would be the Government creating this "Anon" so that the crashing of the market may be blamed on this, instead of the US government's actions within itself.

      You do realize that many, many of the 99% have their retirement savings - such as it is - tied up in 401Ks which are invested in stocks and bonds? I live on less than $30K a year but have managed to save a modest amount. It's my life savings and it's tied up in mutual funds, through no fault of my own. (It's another example of how the system is rigged.) Many others of the 99% are in the same boat. What will this DDOS attack do to us?

      Just one question. How, I wonder, will this affect the millions of average citizens that have retirement or pensions funds invested? Some business retirement pensions are automatically invested in mutual funds, etc. We're already seeing most of our retirement go up in smoke. Will wiping the NYS off the internet wipe out the rest of our few dollars remaining?

    I agree with Pan,too. This is the beginning of the end and I don't think the economy is going to be the only disaster that will befall us this month and the month of Nov. I think we all better hold on to our seats, it's going to be a violent ride.

  • Pan you are right, this could be the planetary level event! Much better than a giant EQ or something even worse.
  • Good question Brian, and yes, the market does open on Columbus Day... usually ;)
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