CLUES: The Government Ruling Elite are Fleeing into their Underground
  Cities to Escape the Perils of the Approaching Comet ISON
                      John DiNardo

        CLUE #1
A friend has requested information about the dangerous incoming Comet ISON, and this is the reply he received from a very important person in the space and science community whose identity I have not yet been permitted to reveal. He has worked for N.A.S.A. and one of the three major television networks. He has written books on space and science matters, and has appeared as a guest on numerous radio and television programs. Here is the full text of his email reply:
  [Explanatory comments within {braces} are mine.]

Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 2:44:49 PM
Subject: Re: Requesting Information About Comet ISON

  In fact, because of the US Government shut down, ALL NASA missions   -- as of midnight, last night -- are NOT going to be able to acquire ANY   new data-- anywhere in the solar system.  The astronauts on the ISS {International Space Station} will be backed up by keeping "Mission Control" open, but they will have NO ground support for their   experiments; the scientists and mission support folks who process their   data, send them revised mission plans, download the telemetry and run it through the computers on the ground ... have ALL been sent home!.   All NASA's unmanned spacecraft missions -- including ALL spacecraft curently orbiting or on the surface of Mars -- have been commanded into "safe" mode -- monitored from the ground for spacecraft safety, but no NEW data is being acquired . . .

    {"Curiosity" and "Opportunity" are the names of NASA's Mars Exploration
    robotic rover vehicles. MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) and "Odyssey"
    both are robotic spacecraft orbiting Mars }
 . . . but no NEW data is being acquired, including that from Curiosity's and Opportunity's planned observations of ISON from the surface, and MRO and Odyssey's observations from Mars orbit! All of this is "coincidentally" timed to occur ... just as ISON passes Mars .... . Right!  .... Now, the US NASA shutdown does NOT affect the Europeans -- who have a very healthy Mars Express spacecraft in orbit around Mars. So, the larger question is -- "Why have we seen NO images from the approaching ISON 

... from ESA!? {European Space Agency} Let me know what you find out. :) "

            Signed {V.I.P. name withheld}

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  • I lean towards the comet as being the reason for the blackout.  NASA has the funds.  There may be other reasons for the gov't shutdown, maybe sneaking up on a false flag/military law.

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