Another Telescope Shut Down...

Email from Sheldon Day...

Just like the Elites are "shutting down" the US Air Forces Space Surveillance system 'Space Fence' so that the Civilian sector can't access the incoming rocks ahead of Planet X, appears they're doing the same with Kepler now which has been discovering all of the NEW 'Exo-planets' that the Brown Dwarf has been CAPTURING along the way in its DEEP SLOW ride thru Deep Space...


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  • I will miss all those airbrushed photos with explanations  from the Gods of the universe NASA. 

  • Your probably both right.

  • Or maybe the telescope is obsolete and they have already replaced it with better technology.

    Or they are turning off any feeds the public can get to.

    Whatever they say, the opposite is probably true.


  • They still feel the need to shut them down.  Maybe they don't even want their scientists to know.

  • the way I look at this is, whatever information that comes from NASA will not be true anyway so what difference does it really make what Telescope goes down. whether true or not you will never know the correct answer. The real reason for NASA was to extort money from tax payers in the name of space exploration. NASA number 1 deceives the public while NASA number two fly's through the universe. Do you remember O tried to shut down NASA to teach the world about the advances that the Arab world has made to help us, which amount to nothing.

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