After watching the 7-7 video it brought to my attention an email I received this week. I have been receiving info from Jelaila from the Nibiran Council for a very long time. Way before any mention of Elenin was ever discussed.I am sharing with you what her comments are & leave it up to you to decide whether your "heart" resonates with the trust & vibration that we "will" get through these times or if your mind is focused on "fear". Sure there are many outlets of info for us & I give my attention to many. The choice is yours.Here are her comments: (posted June 20, 2011)This week's message is about getting through September. It was a simple statement from the Nibiruans, "You just need to get through the end of September and then you will be beyond the worst of theearth changes. the reason, I was told is that Elenin (our name for one of Nibiru's small brown dwarf companions) will be the only major visit we receive...Nibiru will not be arriving before 2012.Elenin will have completed its walkabout in our area of the solar system by that late September. At that point it will be on its way back out into deep space. Elenin though much smaller than Nibiru (4 times the size of Earth) still has a strong enough magnetic pull on Earth that it can create massive earthquakes (Japan) and cause volcanoes to spew (Iceland). Elenin's passing puts pressure on our sun causing massive solar flares that hit our atmosphere disturbing our weather patterns. Record heat, drought, floods, mega storms, and cluster tornodoes become the norm..for a while.So how did we manage to avoid a close encounter with Nibiru? No sooner did the question then the Nibiruan's (answered---I think they were waiting for it. They said that we had shifted our timeline and thus shifted out of the timeline on which Nibiru's pull on our tectonic plates would have caused a pole shift.Unlike in certain past crossings, humanity has achieved a certain degree of emotional clearing and ascension this time around. I was told many years ago that in order to Earthâ€(TM)s ascension to be considered successful, 70% of the population has to make a 1-dimensional shift. That means shifting from 3D to 4D. That, I am told has been accomplished as a result of the discovery of quantum physics. Through this new science we have learned that we live in a multidimensional world, a 4D concept, and not just one dimensional world complete with one reality, a 3D concept. And, at least 70% of the population are aware of this. Don't you think it interesting that science took us away from the divind and now brings us back...and with a broader understanding?Having shifted our timeline, we have now shifted away from the most devastating and catastrophic prophecies. There will be some earth changes but none as severe as a close passing of Nibiru. Here in the US, we may see more flooding of the Mississippi are a result of earthquakes along the New Madrid fault but it appears they will be minor rather than major. The US will not become two separate landmasses divided by an inland sea. California will not go into the ocean but part of her coastline may. Japan may still not survive and New Zealand, like California, will be smaller. There will not be a major pole shift; Elenin though powerful is not large enough to do that.There will still be some food shortages but again, to a lesser degree. Many areas that were supposed to be severely affected will either not be affected at all, or not to the same degree. So all in all the news is good.Keep in mind that we are not out of the woods yet. You, me and everyone else on this planet still have work to do. We can further minimize Elenin's effect by doing our emotional clearing. That means we can further minimize earth changes by continuing clear out and release the old anger, bitterness, resentment and other emotional pain we still carry. This is integration of the Light and the Dark...within us. Quantum science has proven that we create our reality from within so if we are at peace within ourselves because we will see a peaceful reality. We can continue altering our reality so that Elenin's outbound passing occurs and then it moves on. Weather returns to normal and gentle rains replace violent storms. Yes, we just need to get through September...In service,Jelaila Starrwww.Nibiruancouncil.comemail: jelaila@kc.surewest.netIn Unity of OnenessKathleen
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  • Thanx Dianna, and I certainly feel blessed and thank Cheryl for putting this site together to make it possible to be able to help each other.. I think it's just awesome with all the life saving information here....

    Yes, this has been a life changing year for sooooo many and my heart just breaks for the families that are suffering around the world..

  • Dear Alesiah.. Yes, 2012, would be Year 7 from 2005; but, the key word is 'within' that range... only God knows the day and time, as it says in the Bible.. but this year, so far, is so unsettling.. like none other that I can remember.. The key is, we have each other here,... preparation, and making friends with like-minded people.  Do I think this is the end of the World?  Of course not, but certain areas will get 'hit', especially if we get a strong meteor slam after the Elenin passage.  Actually, I am still trying to wrap my head around it.. the enormity and horror of it all.  And, Alesiah, Thanks for all the work you do to get the word out!                        Hi, Pan...  Hope you are well... Love you, too...   ~ Dianna

  •  Dianna, so 2012 would be year 7..
  • Jelaila, herself, moved from the LA region to the middle of Kansas about 2004, or so.

    How do I know this?  I became friends with one of her loyal followers, whom I shared my empathic vision when I was in LA in 2005.  I was at the LA Hilton expo, and had such a bad feeling that I changed my plane ticket to get out of there asap, and flew red-eye home... Also, two other psychics at the expo went home early.. We all felt/saw the same thing.. and being empathic, cried most of the time we were there.  And I very, very seldom cry... The energies were very unsettling... My dream was of a terrible tsunami coming in the CA coast with horrific consequence. 

    Well, the lady I 'warned/begged' to get out of CA, went to Jeliala who totally discounted my warning.. no danger, she said..  Trouble is, I am usually anywhere from 2 to 7 years out, on average...   I tried to explain the ugency of leaving quickly if a tsunami warning was sounded, but that she had time, probably two years to make a permanent move, also, but to no avail.. Jeliaha was right.  (Not to say she does not have some good information...) Now, we will see.. wait.. pray... Of course, no one wants this to happen, but what is, is, my mother always said... and it is coming.

  • I didn't say I believed it.  Just wish that was all that was going to happen.  I am preparing for the worst as I have always done.
  • I searched for this YT vid someone sent me the other day. Thought it might fit in here.

    As Above, So Below

  • Thank you for entering the post, however. If anyone finds hope in it, I'm grateful.
  • I can't find my truth in these words.... I'm getting different messages/feelings, mostly about how so disappointed the people, who think 'clearing' will make it better, will be. A most important part of the message is in this: "continuing [to] clear out and release the old [and new], bitterness, resentment and other emotional pain we still carry" - something we should do on a minute-by-minute basis, coninuously... but something that is NOT going to make things go away, I'm afraid. It will improve the way we handle whatever happens, tho, and if we make it a practice now, we'll have already tackled it when the most important moment of needing it, spiritually, comes. Maybe that is the saving grace.
    Regardless of what the world (we) will be facing throughout the rest of 2011, I'm from the belief camp that next year, or beyond, we will be faced with something few have yet to define, something that will not be survivable, not even by those in bunkers... except by luck. I so hope my feelings have no ground.
  • Yes.  My brain is beginning to feel like scrambled eggs, or an over-microwaved potato.
  • Kim always says the future is not set in stone.  I've read other places that there are different alternate realities that could happen.  And ET's could intervene, as well.  So, I'm not going to panic about it.
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