Ft. Worth, TX:
Las Vegas, NV:
Ft. Atkinson, WI:
For instance, we've been told to believe was a natural disaster might not have been:
Ha ha talking about power outages got this email from daughter's school this morning: Due to an area-wide power outage, MSS phones & e-mail are down. If necessary, contact school cell phone # 240-357-####. Power is expected to return by 10:30 a.m.
Luckily we are not on the same powergrid. :D
As for the Ft. Worth event, I've heard several things - transformers, being the least likely. Learned they are 'fracking' in that area, no-one being sure if that could cause it. Then there's the solar flares and/or planetary alignments argument... but, most queer is this: Alien Fleet nears Earth
So, does anyone else know of fracking going on in the other locations, or have alien fleet been seen?