This information is provided by a Lightworker (Channeler) - Anna Merkaba.
My question is: Are we still transitioning?
I think so - I think there is still a lot of energy flowing - however, where we will end up is yet to be discovered.
This information is provided by a Lightworker (Channeler) - Anna Merkaba.
My question is: Are we still transitioning?
I think so - I think there is still a lot of energy flowing - however, where we will end up is yet to be discovered.
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Do you remember the galactic wave of energy that was supposed to change our solar system and planet? Maybe this is still happening but in a more slower and more gentler fashion than what we were told. Maybe it is a positive wave that is changing us gradually at a molecular level.
It could be so subtle that most of us do not even know it is happening until we all reach a critical point and flip (not unlike a pole shift) to a new physical structure. 4D, maybe???
Some (such as yourself Kim) may be able to feel the effect of these energy waves. I'll be paying particular attention to it over the next 3 weeks to see if it I notice any changes within myself.
Sounds like it.
"in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies." Wonder if this statement means more energies incoming?
I am seeing a 55 and a 33 looking at my computer right now. I always forget to pay attention to numbers even if I see a repeating one. Earlier today I felt tingling energies on the crown chakra.
I saw 11:11 last night. I saw 1:11 today, but usually it is :22, :33, :44, and :55 because I see it on the computer clock. It's just that almost every time I look, I see a double number, occasionly I see a triple number. I also catch 1:23 and 12:34 frequently.
Cool! Which ones are you seeing again, Cheryl? As to energies, I know while I was on vacation in Utah I felt energies running through certain chakras, and while I was driving around the 9th of August. Of course no one in the vehicle knew this was happening!
I have been, off and on. Synchronicities with seeing double numbers calmed for a while, but theeeerrreeee baaaack!