Well, this should satisfy your craving. Forwarded by Sheldon Day...
From: "William Alek - PTC" <>
To: "Sheldon Day" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2013 9:23:02 PM
Subject: Fwd: SPECIAL ALERT: Vivos Event Horizon
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | SPECIAL ALERT: Vivos Event Horizon |
Date: | Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:07:07 +0000 |
From: | Vivos <Vivos@mail.vresp.com> |
Reply-To: | Vivos <reply-c9d3453aca-9937e77f82-2bc9@u.cts.vresp.com> |
To: | william.alek@ |

Dear William,
We don’t often send out alerts to our members, but when we do it is because the information we are receiving is too important not to share. This information is being provided to you, per your request, as a Vivos member, without any sugar coating.
We now believe that we are at the event horizon of a series of epic catastrophes for our planet and mankind. It is time for you and your family to prepare for what is ahead. You will need to find a sanctuary for survival. Food, water, medicine, clothing, guns and ammo are not going to save you from the events themselves. All of those supplies will be needed for the aftermath.
Even if you are not willing to admit it, your subconscious knows what could happen. Surveys now indicate that a majority of the American population now believe we are quite possibly in the ‘End Times’, having ever more frequent disturbing dreams and uneasy feelings.
We believe that Earth is about to witness changes so horrific the changes won’t be believed until it is too late. This major change would result in every man for himself. Your fellow man, friends, family and neighbors could all become predators doing whatever it takes to survive.
America, Russia and China have already planned for their elite to survive future catastrophes and have built deep underground bunkers in preparation for what they believe is coming. The rest of us are on our own and likely going down without a shelter and the support of people with a variety of survival, medical and security skills to ride it out. It would be virtually impossible to go it alone for the anticipated survival and recovery duration of at least one year.
The information and reports we are receiving from very reliable sources are now advising and predicting a confluence of events throughout the remainder of this year and early 2014. Here is a short list of what to watch for:
- The American government is on high alert and has ordered virtually every agency to be fully trained and prepared for a domestic event, including urban warfare, by October 1, 2013. They are fully stocked, loaded and ready for something they know is going to happen shortly thereafter.
- Fukushima is the gift that keeps giving with confirmed radiation dumping into the Pacific Ocean since the original event on March 11, 2011. The Japanese government now admits that they have no solution to the continued meltdown which will likely lead to a China Syndrome-like explosion, expelling radioactive material into the stratosphere where it will circumnavigate the Earth depositing deadly levels of radiation. It is no longer a question of if, but when it is going to blow!
- The ozone layer is metastasizing like Swiss cheese, yielding large holes for x-ray radiation from the Sun to reach the planet’s surface. It is believed that this will continue to deteriorate from the coming solar storms.
- Government trained remote viewers are predicting a “Kill Shot” from the Sun, that will actually be a series of X-Class solar flares emitting massive amounts of plasma and radiation, greater in intensity than the Carrington Event of 1859. This electro-magnetic energy would wipe out the entire electric grid and all things electronic, knocking us back to the 18th Century. There would be no power systems, no water or sewage service, no transportation, no internet or communications, no food, nothing that our society depends on. The ‘Have Not’s’ would become predators of the ‘Haves’, creating a total “Mad Max” society. It is predicted that this alone could be the basis for as much as 90% of the population killing each other off, before things settle down and the rebuilding process begins. Millions would die if the infrastructure goes down.
- Comet ISON is inbound and will be visible to the naked eye in just a few short weeks. It is predicted that this massive comet could trigger an electrical disturbance between the Sun and the Earth, setting off the above-mentioned series of Coronal Mass Ejections. However, that isn’t the only threat. Sometime in January, the Earth will pass near the comet’s debris field, with the potential to pepper the Earth with gaseous particles, meteors and even asteroids of unimaginable density and volume. Any one of the larger objects may set off a mega-tsunami, wiping out coastal cities and regions, or earthquakes and a shockwave that would be far worse than the small asteroid that exploded over Russia on February 15, 2013.
- It is also predicted that a pandemic could begin at about the same time, possibly caused by radical gaseous particles from comet ISON as Earth passes through its tail, similarly, as many believe, was the cause of the Black Plague in 1347, when ‘Comet Negra‘ passed very close to Earth. The ‘black death’ started throughout Europe, Asia, and China, killing an estimated 75 to 200 million people, virtually 50% of the world population at that time.
- The predicted intense solar activity will bombard the Earth with protons that would further heat the Earth’s core; combining with an already progressively weakening magnetic field that may be the precursor to a sudden crustal pole shift. The oceans and large bodies of water would concurrently become displaced as they cascade across the coastal areas, deep across many continents. Extreme winds of 300 to 500 mph could be common for about a week until both the atmosphere and water bodies stabilize.
- This intense solar radiation would cause great evaporation of all fresh water on the surface. Water would become very scarce resulting in a scorched Earth effect.
- The precursors to the solar events may be a nuclear device detonated on the Korean peninsula in ‘anger’. North Korea has the devices and is on the edge of retaliation for what they perceive as an imminent threat from the ‘West’. An escalation of war in Syria may be the progenitor of their anger. China could authorize the North Korean attack in response to the Middle East war, splitting and dividing America’s military resources away from the Syria.
- The government would subsequently induce martial law, shutting down all travel, banking, and other privileges in every major city. This would lead to economic controls and a collapse with our already fragile and artificially inflated fiat money system.
- The Coronal Mass Ejections would push the stratosphere lower to the Earth’s surface, causing the jet streams’ high winds to devastate the surface. Once this occurs, the pole shift would likely occur within a week.
The list of predictions is truly horrific and may be what was foretold by the still undisclosed “Third Secret of Fatima”. The governments of the world are prepared, having completed construction and stocking of their deep underground bunkers, now ready for activation and habitation by the politicians and so-called “Elite”. FEMA has completed some 800 detention camps across America to house dissidents and the worst of society when the population finally realizes what is happening. However, many people will survive and Vivos is here to play a large role in the survival and reconstruction of the planet and the human race.
Vivos will continue to construct and prepare its shelters for as long as we can. Limited space is still available in our completed shelters, with reservations pouring in for our newest shelter in Kansas, which will become the largest private shelter on Earth.
We will not be able to accommodate everyone, nor can the government with their shelters. We encourage you to seek your own solution, preferably underground, remote and secured from the anarchists that will be ravaging and pillaging for their own survival.
Use this information as you may, and remember, as the messenger, we are not here to alarm you, but rather to provide a real solution for what we and millions of others, including our governments, know or believe is about to occur.
We hope that these events will not occur, however, we are prepared if they do. Are YOU?
We wish you and your loved ones the best in safely riding out whatever may come.