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  • Thanks I will read this.

  • I'm glad you found it helpful, Justin.  I'm an empath too and sometimes emotions hit me, seemingly out of nowhere and I have to step back and look at them and realize they aren't mine.   I have a friend who is seriously empathic.  He picks up emotions from those around him so much, it makes it hard for him to work, because negativity makes him ill.  I was reading further in the DC book "The Custodians" that there are plenty of people like that in the world.

  • I found this read very entertaining and enlightening as I saw myself in many of these things. My partner still does not comprehend that I know his emotion(al) (state)  immediately, I do not even have to be in the room and I know what he's feeling. I think he finds it a little disconcerting at times because often he attempts to hide behind a brave face or a smile and it never fools me.

    Being an empath is not easy because the pain in the world is tangible and can really have a very negative effect on someone. I have learned to recognize the difference between a felt emotion or my own. It takes being aware of what you are feeling, and asking yourself if this is indeed your feelings at this point. Or questioning yourself about why you are feeling this way. Took a long time for me to be able to separate myself from the emotion of others, particularly my partner's.

    I love antiques. In fact I am a bit of a collector. That makes the one about bringing old stuff into the house very difficult for me. What I have found that helps, it to wash anything (be it furniture, lamp, ornament) with salt water. Kosher salt or sea salt, not the disgusting iodized salt. While cleaning the object I would tell all negative energies to depart. It seems to work and allows me not to have an ugly modern house. ;-) 

    I read though it again now, and I can relate to most of what they say. Someone once told me that you get energetic leeches. People you know, particularly those you share a space with could sap your energy. Neither of you are aware on a conscious level that this is happening. When you find yourself constantly exhausted or unable to get good rest, it could often be that your energy is being drained by the person/people around you. It is not their fault, however you need your energy, so before you go to sleep (you are particularly vulnerable during dream time), claim your energy for yourself and tell the one (whether you know who they are or not) that they cannot have your energy, you love them, but you need it for yourself and that you will not allow them to attach to you and drain your energy. This invokes a block that prevents this from happening. 

    I realize I am over-sharing and it is probably old news to some, but I found it helpful and perhaps it could do the same for someone else. 

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