Obama Spends Day 3 Of Shutdown Posing For Portrait
He sure knows how to send the wrong signals, doesn't he?

Gallup Poll:  Obama Approval Rating Plummets To 41%

Sen. Rand Paul:  Shutdown = Shut Up
Right now, though, President Obama refuses to engage in any debate or discussion. The president is demanding that he get 100 percent of what he wants, and if he doesn’t, he and his Democratic allies in the Senate will keep the government shuttered.


We, as elected representatives in the House and Senate, are hearing from our constituents that they do not want Obamacare as it currently stands. A recent NBC-Wall Street Journal poll shows that only 12 percent of Americans think Obamacare will have a positive impact on their lives.

We are looking for compromise with Mr. Obama. We are looking for give-and-take solutions.

The president is intransigent. He will not give an inch, yet he expects the entire country to take the whole Obamacare mile. It is his way or the highway.

It was not a good idea to shut down the government. It’s also not a good idea to give Mr. Obama 100 percent of what he wants on Obamacare. Why is the president so opposed to trying to make this law less bad? Why is he continually refusing to compromise?

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  • Because he is working for controllers that have one goal. And that is to enslave us all. they have no intention to compromise, it is not their nature. They do want to trick us into doing it to ourselves though, so they are off the hook and cannot be charged with tyranny by their galactic peers. He is pathetically mind controlled and he probably would deny it because they have such a strong hold on him. I am certain he does not even know it. No old soul could be controlled that way. Many of the ones that thought he was the savior are now beginning to see he is not.

    Is it not very clear that the oppression screws keep getting tighter as every day passes. And most of humanity just accepts it all as part of modern life. At some point very soon they will tighten the screws so tight that the threads will strip and then the screws will come off. That is the day humanity awakens to this monstrosity and stands up and says no more.

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