August 3, 2010 - Unusual Denmark Aurora After Gigantic Solar Flare.

first coronal mass ejection energy hit Earth's magnetic field today at
approximately 1740 UT (1:40 pm EDT) after the entire Earth-facing side
of the sun erupted on August 1 with a huge solar flare. High-latitude
sky watchers should be alert for auroras now.

“Seeing the sun erupt on such a global scale has galvanized the international
community of solar physicists. Researchers are still sorting out the complex
sequence of events and trying to understand why they all happened at once.”


On August 1st, the entire Earth-facing side of the sun
erupted with a C3-class solar flare of many filaments of magnetism
that lifted off the sun's surface, along with radio bursts and a
coronal mass ejection. The green aurora above was photographed in Denmark
on August 4, at 56 degrees latitude. Image © 2010 by Jesper Gronne.

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  • We are here Chris to gather information and make up our OWN minds. Not to be instructed on what should and should not be important to us. We would like to keep it that way. For any one given person to learn and advance they must take the information and determine whether it is pertinent to their search or not. Joe has kindly provided information that is out there for us to read that some of us would never have seen otherwise. Due to time constraints or simple lack of internet researching skills. In any event , I for one am grateful to him for his efforts. Thank you Joe and Jeannette for your hard work and information gathering/.

    Disinformation or not, who is to evaluate for us if not ourselves. Pimple of a CME or Monster. Please allow us the courtesy of deciding for ourselves.

  • Bill great break down and explaination. Thank you.
  • So much info, so little time. Bill S. are you quoting Zeta Talk or is this from your own scientific background? I'm asking because you are very knowledgable in this area. I've only really followed this since March 2010 but have been aware of the pole shift for many years.
  • Hey Joe;
    The CME's is coming from the North Pole of PX the Tail!
    Any CME's coming in our direction from the Sun will be entering the South Pole Of PX!
  • Once the Aug Magnetic arm causes trbl Venus may be pushed above the Equinox then the out going energy that is above the Equinox will push Venus so close to Earth it will be the size of the Sun!
    At the same time Earth and the Dark Twin may start moving toward PX causing more EQ's and flipping over 3days of darkness. Dark Twin may escape during that time.
  • did you take into consideration the time zones. europe is a day ahead of us. so there aug4 could be our aug 3. the cme left the sun aug1 but didn't hit us, usa time early on aug 3?
  • Perfect, thank you, Bill S. I'll file that for future reference ;)
  • Neat looking aurora!
  • The Magnetically Charged Tail causes the same effect that the Suns Solar Flares(CME's)

    I will tell in my words what is going on.
    The PlanetX is halted near where Venus should be and Venus has been pushed closer toward Earth!
    Now the Gravity Repulsion from Venus, Earth, Dark Twin is holding PlanetX in Place!
    The Magnetically charged Tail of PlanetX is wafting Earth causing the Magnetosphere to do what it is doing! not the CME's from the Sun!
    A Magnetically charged Tail is full of Iron Oxide in witch is coming from the North pole of PlanetX!
    Now The Sun has 32magnetically charged arms, there is an influence outside of our Solar System that forces these Arms to gather together three times a year at the end of Aug, Dec, & April!
    Aug is coming so get ready!
    Does that help
  • So what is it about Planet X coming in that is causing these aurora's?
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