Back Door Gun Control Moves Forward

Oct. 31, 2013

There are numerous alarming reasons why the US government and the military have been buying up all the ammo. Here’s one of them. Obama and the EPA just shut down the last lead smelting plant in the US. They raised the EPA regulations by 10 fold and it would have cost the plant $100 million to comply. You can own all the guns you want, but if you can’t get ammo, you are out of luck.

Back Door Gun Control Moves Forward

The asshats at the EPA (evil protection agency) had this to say:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the company “made a business decision” to shut down the smelter instead of installing pollution control technologies needed to reduce sulfur dioxide and lead emissions as required by the Clean Air Act.

The Doe Run Co. announced last year that it had dropped plans to build a new lead processing facility in Herculaneum that would have used a new, cleaner lead production technology. The company cited the $100 million project as too financially risky.

The EPA is playing Mafioso I guess — we didn’t make them shut down, they made a business decision. In other words, they couldn’t pay the extortion, so the thugs shut them down. I’m pretty sure that Americans are getting ready to make their own business decision regarding the Marxists and I don’t think it will be pleasant. But Marxists will do or die and are doubling down on the destruction of energy in America, our way of life and the Constitution.

The smelting plant has known since 2010 this was coming. They couldn’t stop it and no one else rose up to stop it either. The business had been in production for 120 years and now goes the way of our auto industry.

The military’s obsession with ammo was related to security and supply. They knew this was coming too, so they bought up all they could get before the plug was pulled. Screw the average American. It’s as Chris Muir said, he’s not as worried about where the bullets will come from, as much as how the government will deliver them and I’m right there with him on that one.

So, back door gun control is moving forward and while we are all distracted with shiny stuff, our Second Amendment rights are just about gone. Obama is one Marxist dictator who is savvy at political chess. He has flanked the Second Amendment. Now it’s our move.

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  • I get way over the top on this too Now that TPTB have virtually disarmed almost every country in the world. This is the only part of the constitution that guarantees that they can't take rest away, without gun rights we have no country anymore. 

  • I apologize if I sound a little over the top on this subject but it is as clear as a bell to me.

    Everything that happens or is promoted on MSM is for their reasons, not ours.

    And that reason is to control us.

  • Yep Feinstein and Piers Morgan put on quite a show of insanity for America and neither one is an American. O travels with lots of bullet proof glass in Air Force one. Yes guns are our last line of defense.

  • Psyop operation no doubt.

    Again, I say it is all because the controllers know that they are vulnerable and can be killed. They do not want any human that they cannot be controlled directly with their technology to posses anything that can harm them. If you have a chip you can be their armed security. If you are not positively controlled then you must not be allowed to posses a firearm. 

    The smokescreen of deception is very large on this subject because they greatly fear anything that can harm themselves. They will not quit either. They are going to use every reason under the sun to convince sleeping humans that they are right. It will not surprise me to hear that guns kill rock because the poor rocks may get chipped or guns damage space because the bullets move molecules passing through it, and therefore should be banned.

    Next time you see Feinstein discuss gun control notice her eyes and see how they glaze over from mind control. Next time you see a pro gun control activist, notice their eyes. They have been controlled into a state of near insanity. 

    The only thing delaying the controllers from completely sacking this country and the planet and the planet is the firearms in the hands of humans that may or may not be controllable.

  • Three years ago the EPA tried to use the excuse that lead bullets were damaging the trees in the forest and should be stopped immediately, What ever sneaky way they can  stop us they will and it looks like they just found it. 

      Cheryl  A good old psychotropic cure is the Amerikan way.


    If so, check in with your local psych.  It's a new DSM-V category, found to be propagated by the US Gov't.

  • Byron,

    They do think they are clever don't they.

    Just a thought. Any material that can withstand supersonic flight would work just as well as lead. Fired Clay comes to mind. Next thing they are going to go for propellant like black & hybrid powder. If you notice all manufacturers are currently out of stock on most powders. Why do you think that is. Did they go after that already?

    This is the main reason for gun control as they think it. It has nothing to do with crime or anything else. Any human that thinks otherwise is totally asleep and mind controlled or an imbecile. ( sorry, but that is basically true)

    The controllers know that firearms in the hands of a human can take them out and they fear it.

    This is why they are pushing all of their mind controlled minions to promote firearm control. So if they do have to appear they do not have to worry about being killed.

    Plain and simple. Every other reason anyone can come up with is total mind control nonsense.

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