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 flagged Wednesday, March 21, 2012 4:40 PM
BE AWARE:  Obama's recent 'National Emergency Martial Law Executive Order' is FOR A REASON.  FEMA, DHS and NASA are expecting something BIG, but they've been covering up the real reason for obvious reasons.  The public would be furious to know that the elite have been stripping the economy of equity to funnel massive funds into their survival preparations while denying civil defense for the public.
This is a heads up for tomorrow. Recently I've seen multiple articles and videos warning that March 22 is a likely time for serious Earth changes.  And this morning, someone forwarded me THIS VIDEO.
This goes deeper than the Spring Equinox compendium that I sent you yesterday. If you read that, you got a lot of spiritual philosophy mixed with current politics, economics and the science behind the '2012 Shift Portents'... more information than you probably wanted:)

But I didn't mention this, and I hope you're ready for it now.

There's a lot of Internet chatter this last week -- and a lot of hysteria -- about the martial law executive order that Obama issued regarding an 'imminent' national emergency.  They know what's coming.  I've reported on this before.  Earth changes have been accelerating for reasons that the mainstream media won't touch because it could incite panic, chaos and disruption of the prevailing "BS" (Belief System) that 'all is well'.
'Normalcy Bias': From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state where people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation. [1]
Who wants to believe that the world is facing massive Earth changes?  Not me.
But I'm not stupid either.  I know that government 'insiders who know' have been preparing hundreds of underground shelters feverishly.  I know that FEMA has been warning that the New Madrid Fault in the middle of the U.S. is on the verge of splitting wide open, with FEMA ordering a billion dollars of food reserves a year ago for the New Madrid region.  And I know where they get their information... more than 10,000 pages of 'off-planet' intel (Zeta Talk website) with millions of visits and 40% of the visiting ip addresses being the Pentagon or governments of the world. They know that this is the most accurate information on global Earth changes as relates directly to the inbound trajectory of a 'heavy mass object'.
My 'normalcy bias' is reluctant to report this. Maybe it won't happen!  But if it does, it sure provides a good 'natural excuse' for Martial law. And it sure reveals a lot about government preparation of 'relocation camps' and the 'secretive' National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) which Obama signed into law on New Year's Eve.
Here's a short YouTube video about the MARCH 22 PREDICTION:
IN SUMMARY: The portents for a Fukishima-like MegaQuake are strong for March 22.
Tomorrow, the Earth and Moon are also in alignment with the Sun... with the 'heavy mass object' in between.
This object has been difficult to see, because it is between the Earth and the Sun, but people are photographing it with Sun filters, and we'll all be seeing it with the naked eye before long.
The Sun's activity has been going ballistic recently with the nearby electromagnets of this 'heavy mass object' which is 4 times the size of Earth and 16 x's the electromagnetics.
As explained in yesterday's Spring Equinox Alert, Earth's magnetic fields have been dramatically diminishing while the Schumann Resonance -- Earth's 'heartbeat', a long-time constant -- has been dramatically increasing. The Schumman Resonance corresponds to the Alpha brain waves of humans; our consciousness thus changing to 2012 "O-Point" (Omega Point) as also explained in a video at the Equinox Alert HERE.
From Alpha to Omega... it's the cosmic scheme of things for 2012.

It may be hard to see, but it's all in divine-cosmic order.
From the beginning, there has been a plan.
With Cosmic Love as the Rule,
Love Rules.

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  • excellent article, Amy, very well written. Basically correct, in it assumptions about the reason for the martial law edicts, from Obama.  In my view certainly and with what data we have at present.

  • LMBO -wondering who wrote this and what authority they hold, credentials they have and where they get their inside information. Why does this hold weight and prior posts of similar info talked down.

    Agendas can have adjustments and re-adjustments.

    I agree CN, "If it is 4x the size of Earth, about 45 million miles away (halfway between earth and sun), we would be in its magnetic grip and being devastated."

  • "Tomorrow, the Earth and Moon are also in alignment with the Sun... with the 'heavy mass object' in between.
    This object has been difficult to see, because it is between the Earth and the Sun, but people are photographing it with Sun filters, and we'll all be seeing it with the naked eye before long.
    "The Sun's activity has been going ballistic recently with the nearby electromagnets of this 'heavy mass object' which is 4 times the size of Earth and 16 x's the electromagnetics."

    If it is 4x the size of Earth, about 45 million miles away (halfway between earth and sun), we would be in its magnetic grip and being devastated.  I think an earthquake could occur because of the alignment, but I'm skeptical of the location of the HMO.  Unless this is a different HMO that may be out by Jupiter by now?

  • Two years ago while trying to find out why I could not wake nyone up I read an article on Normalcy Bias and finally figured it out, so good job for bringing this up. Terral is a very smart person and so what that he missed the Elenin thing. If Ele had not split in two it may have been a diffirent situation and the sun was not a facter in this event, something else was the cause. A 6.7 just hit Papua newginie SP ? anyway the plans are set by the elite and that has been proven so what you have said here is very much what will very well be happening starting tomorrow and for the next days. I have never liked dates because the never come to fruitation but I do believe we are very close to what you say is happening.

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