There is lots of chatter in e-mails, blogs, and direct news sources indicating that some sort of take-down of the Zionist/Nazi cabal is under way. At the same time, there are many signs in the so-called mainstream news that the United States corporate government is isolated. “(US Defense Secretary Chuck) Hagel, (US Secretary of State John) Kerry and (former US Secretary of State Condoleezza) Rice have become international pariahs,” is how an MI5 source described the situation.
One clear indication is that German and other non-US newspapers are reporting that Blackwater/Academi/Greystone mercenaries have been murdering people in the Ukraine.
The French, meanwhile, are still building warships for the Russians, despite the big Ukraine Nazi propaganda campaign. This proves the Europeans have completely rejected the latest Nazi scheme to start world war III.
The mathematics of the world power balance are now indisputably in favor of the BRICS alliance. The BRICS alliance now controls 90% of the world’s population and 68% of its GDP, according to the latest World Bank and other data.
With the Europeans now entering the BRICS camp, the United States Zionist authorities have no choice but to surrender.
The main reason for a delay in long anticipated announcements of what is to come next is the lack of a consensus about what will replace the old control grid.
There are intensive ongoing discussions about this going on now and this is what is being said by the various parties.
This announcement was preceded by plenty of feel good talk on various alternative news blogs predicting a “revaluation.” It turns out this was simply a move to suddenly increase the SDR quota by 800% and make the SDR the new world currency by starting with the Ukraine. The move was a failure. The countries that back the SDR account for only 10% of the world’s population and 32% of its GDP (the flip side of this are the BRICS numbers mentioned above).
The data for this comes from a World Bank study of the GDP of different countries based on Purchasing Power Parity (how much you can buy with what you earn), which is widely accepted by economists as a more accurate way to measure the real size of an economy.
Furthermore, the IMF remains a cabal institution with voting power skewed to Zionist controlled states. The United States, for example, controls 16.7% of IMF voting power (enough to give it a veto) compared to 3.6% for China even though the latest World Bank figures show the Chinese economy is now bigger than that of the US.
The IMF also has a dismal track record of forcing countries to impoverish their populations and hand over their resources to international corporations. To put it bluntly, the IMF announcement that they would lend $17 billion to the Ukraine really meant, “We will make a few Ukrainian oligarchs filthy rich in exchange for the right to loot the Ukraine.”
Needless to say the latest cabal gambit has failed. Those IMF SDRs are never going to see the light of day. The Eastern districts of the Ukraine have now voted for independence from the Nazi/Academi regime in Kiev and it is only a matter of time before they become a part of Russia.
So what are the Nazi/Zionists now saying about their historical defeat in the Ukraine? They are threatening to use their “oil weapon” against Russia.
This “oil weapon” it turns out, is the threat to depress world oil prices by selling oil from the US strategic oil reserve. This is a desperate loser’s bluff. The oil reserve only contains enough oil to meet 8 days of world demand. Wasn’t the cabal supposed to control the petro-dollar because it controlled the world oil supply? Apparently no longer because, what this threat really means is that no oil producing countries have agreed to go along with the George Soros/Obama plan to bankrupt Russia by forcing down the price of oil. So the Nazis are down to their tiny oil piggy bank.
The cabal has been defeated and it is now time to start the new financial system. The BRICS are in no hurry to build their alternative because time is on their side. They view the US regime as a dying lion and know that instead of trying to fight it, it is better to wait for nature to take its course. As it does, the BRICS are quietly building up new institutions to fill in the void that will be created by the demise of the cabal financial structures.
A Chinese government source says that something big is going on in China and Korea concerning the financial system but that it was still not clear what. He did say though that the Koreans were still actively lobbying to help some US factions to cash historical bonds. The official has been recalled to Beijing next week so hopefully more details will be available on this subject later this month.
In the meantime, if the United States is to bounce back from its cabal induced defeat, the military and the agencies need to act quickly to overthrow the Nazi regime that completed its power grab there with the 911 false flag attack.
On this end, we are getting several e-mails every day from agency and pentagon sources saying the “arrests have started.” However, there have been so many false alarms and unmet promises that until we actually see it happen, these mails will be interpreted as wishful thinking. Like any bubble, you can be certain the cabal control bubble will burst but you cannot predict exactly when that will happen. The bottom line is that things will only get worse in the US until the military and agencies get the cohones to nationalize the Federal Reserve Board.
In the meantime, the White Dragon Society has put its plan for a peaceful transition to a better world on the table. It calls for a jubilee (a one off cancelling of all debts private and public), a redistribution of assets (again a one off deal involving only assets taken through central bank fraud not assets earned by entrepreneurs), and a revamp of world institutions followed by a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. It also proposes creating a new meritocratically staffed international future planning agency to be one of the institutions that will help make this happen.