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  • Muslims are not happy in any country they come to, there goal is to change their new countries laws to support their beliefs. The ones pushing this project all over the world are the radical Islamists and really need to be removed. Russia deports them as fast as the show their faces and try to change laws. When they start burning the Christian churches we might wake to the fact that they have a plan as evil as the NWO depopulation plan called the Caliphate. We are their enemy and their is almost no way to stop a person that has a goal in life to die in in war for their God. An enemy that would strap dynamite to their body or fill their car with explosives and commit suicide to kill his enemy is almost unstoppable, this happens around the world everyday and it will be here soon. The peaceful Muslims will probably not be attending this march in DC. I expect the police will be there to attack the bikers. When they removed radical Islam from the Home Land Security potential terrorists list they added American Veterans and that includes me and I am insulted.    

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