New Years Omen?Thousands Of black birds,Fish Dead

Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:29

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Thousands of Birds fall from the sky in South America at the same time thousands fell from the skies in Arkansas....

Look at the following web service for yourself folks. Something is killing mass amounts of birds and fish worldwide. This is by no means a rare event for the past year. Something is happening. In the military Parakeets are used as early warning system to detect chemical attacks.
The following copy and pasted from RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service
Budapest, Hungary
About 1,000 black birds fell from the sky over Beebe on Friday night, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said in a news release Saturday. Around 11:30 p.m., the commission began receiving phone calls about the birds, most of which were dead and fell over a 1-mile span, the release said. Wildlife officer Robby King collected about 65 dead birds that will be sent to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission lab and the National Wildlife Health Center lab in Madison, Wis. Officers flew over the area and determined no birds had fallen outside that part of the city, the release said. Commission ornithologist Karen Rowe said in the release that the flock could have been hit by lightning or high-altitude hail.

Videos and story here              Related "100's of 1,000s" of Fish Washing Up in Arkansas

 Thousands of birds fall from the sky in Beebe

Just before folks in Beebe rang in the New Year, many witnessed an uncanny resemblance to the Hitchcock movie "The Birds." About 2,000 black birds fell from the sky off Windwood Drive, leaving quite the mess to clean up.

Folks Today's THV spoke with initially thought the birds were poisoned because they are what they call a nuisance around this time every year, but they are surprised to hear it is more of a mystery.

Stephen Bryant recalls, "Millions, millions fly over every night. You look up at the sky and it's just black and then last night at about 10:30 I came out here and saw a bird drop."

In a matter of hours on New Years Eve thousands of birds fell from the sky to their death.

Melissa Weatherly says, "I immediately called mom because I had to go to work, I said you have to come get the kids and get the dog because I don't know what's going on." She continues, "It was horrible; you could not even get down the road without running over hundreds. It was that bad."

The mystery is unraveling like scenes from a movie, dozens of U.S. Environmental Services crews spent the day picking up the birds, walking between homes and climbing on people roofs with protective hazmat suits and breathing masks,.

Charles Boldrey stands outside watching the crews, "Nobody knows, I asked these guys who are out here picking them up and they don't seem to know anything, nobody seems to know anything. It just kind of freaked everybody out."  


People Associate These Black Birds With Death and Bad Luck 

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  • For everyone following this story, George Ure over at UrbanSurvival is bringing up some provocative ideas.  I don't subscirbe to Peoplenomics, since I can not get my paypalto work, and decided not to try to keep fooling with Paypal.  But, he
    does share some thought starters in his post today, Mon, 3 Jan 2011.  He
    is tying the bird story in with the 7.0 + Argentine, Chile, and todays
    4.5 Utah quake.

    This is the same comment, crosslinked in both related posts

    "1000 Blackbirds Fall from the sky in Beebe Arkansas"

  • I wish someone would have done a necropsy on these birds - that would have proved whether the FDA is telling a lie, or not. And the pictures I saw of some of the dead birds - what I saw on the news were red winged black birds, NOT starlings.
  • Wow, now if that isn't one of the most plausible explanations ok that would make perfect sense and I guess they decided to coordinate their efforts with people in Australia........ Ohhh by the way I have a bridge available for sale if anyone is interested........
  • Here's a link to another discussion on this topic mostly between Alesiah, Teresa C and Lorri C.  Evidently the FDA issued a statement claiming responsibility for this.  They said they had put out poinsoned seed to do a controlled kill of the European Starlings due to overpopulation.

  • May also be an electro magnetic anomaly cause by the New Madrid adjusting......reminds me a lot of what occurred in the movie the day after tomorrow.  Pretty major sign showing that earths magnetic field is either failing on some level or other, or our field may be prepping to shift polarity, not a true polar shift but am pretty sure it could still have some pretty catastrophic consequences.  Time to recheck the BOB and other supplies.
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