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  • Good observation, Nick.  Definitely things appear to be cresting... but what that deadly wave is remains to be seen.

  • the question remains yet ti be answered. first, what is the final outcome they want from this, it may take a few weeks to find this out. next point, what kind of spin are the lame stream media putting on this, what are the typical memes being used?

    I'm afraid with growing age comes growing cynicism, I think we may see a pincer movement  to lockdown even more. this new influenza so called from China, the attacks in California, Boston one asks how far we are from the nexus point they seem to be in fear of.. panicking almost.

  • I question even posting things like the Boston bombing here.  I think in the future, I'll post one article to alert people but let each person individually pursue it further.  I got into documenting the truth, which usually comes out first and is then covered up.  And the spin machine is working on overdrive on this one.

  • yes in total agreement. the more objective we are the  better, stay away from the television, newspapers, the less we react to these false flags the better, be distracted by positive beautiful things, Nature, gardening, art, and these forums that centre on the positive.

  • I think it will get worse before it gets better, but we should look at each of these things for what they are (to us):  experiences to help us evolve.  So, yes, dispense with anchor.  Exercise compassion at a distance.  Don't become emotionally involved.  Think of it as cramming for final exams, with ascension as graduation.

  • this Cheryl has all the signs of Operation Gladio come to the US mainland. looks like the cabal thugs have lots patience finally and are trying to bring all this to a head. the vetry best thing we can do is not to react at all stay completely calm, not get angry, and get on with life

    the opposite is to get upset and take some kind of action which will play directly into the cabal hands. not easy I know.

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