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Blossom Goodchild / February 15 / Very uplifting msg
Posted by stembi on February 15, 2025 at 2:37pm
Posted by Wm on January 31, 2025 at 8:10pm
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Got to me , I will check avalon , thanks both/R
Nimra if that link does not work for you check out the project avalon link below. They have most of the video transcribed there.
I didn't have a subscription, Nimra.
could not see it,required to subscribe to red ice?
I was in Roanoke last week and it might as well have been being back in Los Angeles. The traffic was miserable and I felt uneasy the entire time I was there. Too many people. Too much EMF.
Chris: Yes, one of the worse ones is WI-FI. There haven’t really been many studies carried out yet into WI-FI & the effects of WIFI on the body. But I came across one fairly recently, its four years of research of the effects of WIFI on the body. And what the doctor who carried out this research found was that the cell structures start to breakdown. So, if you subjected to Wi-Fi for a period of 2-3 years, then your body cells start to disintegrate & crumble. So, you literally fall apart from the inside-out. And where it starts is in the brain, because it’s a nerve tissue in the brain. There are cells called Glial cells, and they’re the first ones to breakdown & become cancerous. If you use mobile phones a lot, for example, the energy patterns, the microwave patterns from the phone, actually creates cancer of the glial cells between ear & the brain.
And, you have all of that going, and at the same time, we have a reduction in cholesterol. So, everybody’s been told ‘you must reduce your cholesterol’, whereas cholesterol is basically food for the cells. So, if you’re subjected to WiFi & your cholesterol levels are at their normal levels as produced by the body, because the body produces cholesterol, you don’t get it from your foods. The body produces it itself. Cholesterol primarily builds new cells, & maintains the structure of integrity of the cell structures of the cells within the body. So most of the people on the planet taking statins – reducing their cholesterol levels, subjected to WiFi, they’re going to end with full body cancer within two or three years.
enrik: Yeah, remotely measure everyone’s usage, et cetera. And then, you know, basically, well control peoples’ lives accordingly, and it does tie into Agenda 21 & also getting people, as you’ve said, out of the rural areas, into big cities, where they’re more easily controlled, pretty much. Do you think there will be a natural kind of revolt against this, with… I’ve think we’ve seen it within the past few years, people moving out to the countryside more, they’re trying to get out & get away from it.
Chris: Yes, in energy terms, cities are becoming ‘black holes’, they’re really very, very low frequency, whereas in the countryside you have a much higher frequency. So, if you’re somebody who is looking towards this process of soul reintegration, then you’re going to be very, very uncomfortable living in the city, and you need to get out. And what that has produced, now costs an average of 20 percent more than a comparable property in a city, which is totally unprecedented. It’s the exact opposite of how its always been.
So people are moving in that way. And, in the same way as, let’s say, Planets & the Galaxy work together within the Universe, they have an energetic compatibility on a soul level. And this is what people are finding, is that they are attracted to others who have a similar hope of being able to go through this process of reintegration. And those that don’t want to take a part of it, are the ones who are moving into the cities.
Earth is getting bigger? :)
"So nothing is proven within science, its just presented to us as being absolute truth, where its, in fact, just a theory. You can think of tectonic plate movements, for example, you know, we’re told all the plates on the Earth have shifted around at various times, so Earth’s history lasts some 400 million years, whatever. They haven’t, what has happened is the Earth has expanded from its original size. And has contracted at various time, as well. So the Earth expands & contracts. So, there hasn’t been any continental drift, its just purely & simply the Earth has got bigger, & more. So you see, its fundamental things like this that are holding people back, and that’s where a lot of the problem lies."
You said this is the key to soul reintegration. So, how does one purge oneself of emotions that are blocking the process of soul reintegration? How would that happen?
CT: Okay, there is a nice, very simple exercise you can use. Its called ‘The Give-Away’. I’ll explain this one briefly. What you do is take a sheet of old newspaper & a couple of pencils & you sit down with your pencil in your hand & you start to write on the newspaper. And what you do is to write to somebody that has upset you. Could be a boss, a parent, could be a partner, whatever – write to them, write to them saying exactly what you feel about the situation that you are in with them, the problems they caused you, that sort of thing. What you are doing is getting the emotions onto the paper. Now, because its on newspaper in pencil, you cannot read it back, its physically impossible. Because if you read it back, you are taking that emotion back in. So, what this exercise does is literally give away the emotion to the newspaper. Once you start writing, you will be amazed at how much rubbish you are actually holding on to. Because you can think of an event or person, or a situation… your car breaks down, you can write to your car, your water pipe breaks, you can write to the water pipe about how annoyed you are for it breaking. That sort of thing.
But when it comes to people, if you start writing, to your father, your boss, uncle George, whatever, what you find is that there are other emotions entangled within that & they will start to flow out of your system, as well. So, just keep on writing. You might start writing to one person, but in the end you, you will find that you are writing a dozen different people because there are similar emotions connected around that one person or one event.
Basically, what you need to do is to go through this writing exercise, this ‘Give-Away’ exercise, many, many times, because if you finish a piece of writing, and then you think back on the event that you were writing about & you still feel emotions connected to it, then you haven’t cleared those emotions fully. You need to go over it again.
And, the best thing to do, when you’ve finished a piece of writing – say, you’ve come to the end of your sheet of newspaper – is rip it up, and if you can, burn it, or trash it somewhere. If there’s not a way to burn it, then trash it somewhere, but rip it up & get rid of it, preferably by burning, because fire, in itself, is quite cleansing, but not everybody got somewhere where they can set fire to things, set the sprinklers off… or the fire alarm.