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Also, comet ISON is approaching its perihelion. This comet is heralding the shift of the ages. Its energy is triggering an awareness of the completion of important cosmic cycles. The Cabal is trying to diffuse that awareness with spreading disinfo about the comet. So let me clarify a few things: this comet is NOT Nibiru, will NOT crash into Earth, will NOT trigger any kind of Earth changes or cataclysms, is NOT the cause of severe weather some parts of our planet are experiencing lately, is NOT a spaceship, is NOT the playground for cosmic battles between Reptilians and the good guys, is NOT accompanied with visible decloaked spaceships, is NOT (…you can insert whatever more disinfo you can find on the internet…).

There are many fake videos of the comet circulating on Youtube, some of them supposedly coming from the Chinese National Space Administration. Let me clarify that Tian Lian 1 is a very old Chinesedata relay satellite which does not have radar imaging capabilities which many of these Youtube videos claim to quote as a source of their ISON images. Also, I did some image processing on early Hubble ISON photos and did not see any spaceship images in the end result, only a dimmed comet nucleus. Also, I did not find any scientific reports about any ISON behavior that would be untypical for a comet.

With all the volcanoes popping and earthquakes, don't you think ISON has been influencing earthchanges?

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