
There are rumors on the internet about the Event happening either on November 11th (based on Fulford's CIA source falsely stating the GridEx 2 exercise happening on that date) or November 13/14th (when GridEx 2 will truly happen). The Resistance has communicated that the Event will NOT be triggered on those dates and that GridEx 2 will NOT shut down the electric grid. You might want to read more about GridEx 2 exercise here:

To increase understanding of the compression breakthrough, I am publishing three different good intuitive visions of that phenomenon which I found on the internet. Authors of these visions are either unknown to me or wish to remain anonymous.  

The first vision:

The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters.
The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.
The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.
The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and weather pattern of luminosity will begin.

The second vision:

In my dream, there were Portals all over the Earth, equally spaced like dimples on a golf ball, and they all switched on at once and from each Portal location a kind of energy was spreading in growing circular pattern
The portals are as numerous as the facets of a spherical Diamond.
The third vision:
Etheric Plane Clearing / Event Preview

I want to know who else has experienced this.

Last week, I had a wide-awake vision of the etheric plane being cleared completely. For a few minutes, I thought the Event was happening now- but I then realized it was either a preview, a spark event, or just a localized occurrence.

To characterize it as awe-inspiring would be an understatement. The whole etheric plane was lit up with a dazzling golden/white light, and I saw vortices, like huge tornadoes, opening up everywhere. These wormholes were like gravitic vacuums, and all the dark beings in the etheric plane were tumbling into them by the millions. There was a sense of vast scale, that it was happening everywhere. It left me wide-eyed, taking my vibration up a few octaves.


There are rumors on the internet about the Event happening either on November 11th (based on Fulford's CIA source falsely stating the GridEx 2 exercise happening on that date) or November 13/14th (when GridEx 2 will truly happen). The Resistance has communicated that the Event will NOT be triggered on those dates and that GridEx 2 will NOT shut down the electric grid. You might want to read more about GridEx 2 exercise here:
The final victory of the Light is near. On November 11th, a certain operation of the Light forces will commence and it might soon bring tangible results. Also, on November 13th there will be a heliocentric T-square between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. That astrological configuration will bring a tremendous release of tension which will be felt throughout the whole solar system. It is also true that vast changes are taking place within Pentagon that will soon inevitably lead to great increase of power of the Positive Military. And finally, I really liked this comment by David Wilcock on Fulford's blog:
To clarify, a “surprise” is going to happen. We will not expect it. They are saying it will permanently change everyone’s lives in the Western world. Putin and the alliance is on the ascent. This is big, big, big stuff. The new economic system has already been worked out and there will be an across-the-board currency re-valuation. Even though the dollar will be worth less once this happens, the overall effect will be positive.

Posted by Cobra at 12:00 PM

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  • A peach of a disaster, LOL.  Well, no laughing if it goes live.

  • Cheryl  when FEMA shows up things are always worse, DHS has lots of bullets and lots of foreign troops should be real fun. Should be real peachy IMO.

  • But then wouldn't it be less of a disaster?

  • I have read a couple articles about this may be the dumbest idea ever. I think it is set up to fail and how convenient to have everybody in place for the chaos that comes without electric power.

  • We're definitely living in interesting times.  I've heard that is a curse: "May you live in interesting times."  Now I know why!

  • Yep.  In a few days, we'll know if GridEx2 is just a drill or not.  And as 2013 fades away, and the Phillipines is being hit with the strongest cyclone on record, Tolec's predictions are beginning to fade away, too.  We'll see.

  • Peter sometimes I feel like someone wrote me into a science fiction novel with many theories and predictions and I can't seem to wake up and get out. One thing for sure is that we are being pacified while tyranny just keeps getting worse as if our controllers don't see anything catastrophic happening and go on with their enslavement as a routine daily job. This time I hope we win something for a change. 2 days to see. 

  • Probably since Drake has stepped off a cliff with most of his followers.

  • When I said "And not long to wait - just a few days" I'm referring to the fact that we only have a few days to find out if this is another load of crap or if something will happen. I still hope it does happen.

    In regards to Tolec - time is running out for his predictions - I'm glad because at least we will soon see if what he has said is crap or not.

    Reaching these timelines will clear the air. If nothing happens, I am going to be less believing from then on.

    But as said above, at this stage I still holding out for something to change dramatically!

  • Tolec also said that earth changes would be winding down at the end of 2013. 

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