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  • Since 2008, much has been stolen from many and given to the few.

  • Seems as though it would be a good thing? But i think the rabbithole goes much deeper than just the Federal Reserve. They may give us a carrot on the stick to keep us running the race in the direction they choose. And the vast majority of the Sheeple will follow not being Awakened enough to choose to do differently. To me Politics and Politicians are inherently Dark and insidiously Evil. Yet this does not mean that evryone of them is? Its getting difficult these days to tell the truths from the lies. So many people i know on Fb are constantly on political rants or religious or both. The other halve only care about thier day to day activities, bands, jobs, familys and a few are totally wrapped up in themselves. Ron Paul would have been my impression of the best choice for President. But do we really know him? Whom he serves? How many people in the governments of this world, serve the light? In my opinion the governments of this world are a study of how not to Govern a planet. I consider them to be an abject failure, and the state governments even more so! They make laws that benefit the rich and their cronies. But their laws oppress the widow and the orphan and the poor, they steal the land and houses and possesions of the many only to give them to the few!  And they make mankind slaves to debt! Abolish the Federal Reserve and then after that Abolish all governments and start over with a better System that will be fair to all !!!

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