It was brief, but seemed legitimate.
I saw a cloud on my way home today, that looked familiar, like a certain type of space vehicle. After assessing it for a minute or two, I sent up a greeting and asked if they were here on a scientific mission.
A small voice in the back of my head said "Observational. Things are quiet right now, but what's happening in other parts of the world will soon be here."
I was about 20-30 minutes from home and it wasn't until after I got home that I realized the conversation had ended, I never asked any more questions. Sort of like my mind drifted on to other things without noticing that the conversation ended without my realizing it. Another sign.
It sort of looked like an M3, except the top and bottom were the same size, kind of egg shaped, with the ring around the center.
24hrs to us is like a a second or two for them.
Soon is a word used by ETs that don't conform to our reality of what that word means. They don't operate under time, and what to them seems "close in time" to us doesn't seem "close in time" at all.
I would take that statement to prepare for earthchanges to come to this area which typically doesn't get them. In what form, I don't know. The conversation was ended before I could start pumping out questions. I would suspect storms first, followed by earthquakes. Maybe a surprise dormant volcano.
I took the message as meaning don't get complacent just because it's not happening here. It's coming.
Pointing out a synchronicity: we had a new member join with an interest in telepathy the day before that happened.
As, as numbers go, there are 33 views as I'm posting this.