Located near the brown dwarf Pluto. The other truth of the 40th anniversary.

Posted on July 20, 2009              by Starview


For two weeks, Pluto has been impacted, heating and disruption of a new celestial body too close to its orbit. The reason: A Brown Dwarf 1.9Mj size which is positioned right in "Sagittarius" and that is now disturbing the orbit of Pluto. But not only Pluto, too, is disturbing the orbit of Jupiter and other planets of the solar system. In fact, the Sun, CMEs has issued in recent weeks that have caused a shift in our geomagnetic axis at exactly 19 °, and an increase of seismicity of 1.33 MW compared to the seismicity half of 2008, so "literally" to confirm the theory of "binary solar system." Something is coming, and clearly, the peak of the Oort cloud in the Sagittarius, is caused by a brown dwarf, which also can be viewed in the WorldWideTelescope (WWT), just by tracing the orbit of Pluto.
Compañera del Sistema solar. Sol-b).-En WWT.G1.9+0,3.

Companion of the solar system. Sol-b) .- In WWT.G1.9 +0.3.

If you look closely, you have two satellites, which can be observed in detail. This would explain the disruption of the Oort cloud for the past three months, and of course, changes when the sun is experiencing cycles and cosmic ray emissions. Clearly, the star attraction between the two stars, gravitationally contracting orbits of other planets, and clearly, verified the theories of Drs Michael P. Aubry, Christopher T. Russell, and Margaret G. Kivelson  well as the models proposed by Dr. John. J. Matese , and Dr. John. B. Murray ,