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Count Down to Cosmic Global Reset
by Meg Benedicte
Whenever there is the start of a ‘new beginning’ it brings with it the conclusion of out-dated conditions. We have arrived at that point in human history!
You may have noticed the planetary energy easing up a bit, as we honor the 2nd Aquarian New Moon in a row Wednesday, February 18th at 6:47 pm EST. The Sun and Moon hover in the last degree of Aquarius just before transiting into Pisces. This New Moon is sitting on the collective threshold point, providing the opportunity to make significant changes in our personal lives and in the planetary consciousness. The Chinese New Year heralds the year of the Wood Sheep on Thursday, February 19th - a time that will enhance our right-brain intuitive skills. Whenever there is the start of a ‘new beginning’ it brings with it the conclusion of out-dated conditions. We have arrived at that point in human history! Today’s New Moon in the final seconds of Aquarius signifies both an ending and initiation into a new paradigm. The upcoming four weeks spent in Pisces will offer preparation time for the cosmic global reset occurring in mid-March. Appearing before us in the coming weeks is an extraordinary event of massive proportions in the Cosmic Ascension Plan. Not only will humanity migrate into 4th dimensional Earth, but those Souls visiting from other star systems will begin the accelerated transformation from carbon-density into crystallized Light Bodies. The First Wave Starseeds are currently shifting from their human family matrix and activating their Soul family pillar/portal/Merkaba as their energetic sovereign domain while living on Earth. |
Launching this cosmic blueprint into the Earth plane is a Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th, the day of the Vernal Equinox. Just as today’s New Moon occurs in the final seconds of a sign, the March 20th Solar Eclipse occurs in the very last moments of Pisces just hours before the Equinox at zero degrees Aries. What a power-packed week…a Total Solar Eclipse combined with the Equinox threshold breakthrough following the final Uranus-Pluto Square on March 16th/17th! Our consciousness is being prepared for the big changes coming. Our best recourse is to work with the astrology and actively ‘clean house’! We are being compelled to let go of all that does not serve us or limits our evolution. We need to release attachments to undeveloped emotional patterns, behaviors, obsessions or pursuits. The time has come for all Starseeds and Lightworkers to disentangle from the prison Matrix of control. We either anchor and ground our lives into the energy field of the Matrix or the energy field of Nature. One or the other! Get outside when weather permits, and anchor your feet onto Nature’s grid flux…breathe in the vibrant pulsing energy emanating from Nature. You are a child of Nature or a child of the Matrix. No more sitting on the fence! |
The coming astrology won’t allow you to avoid, deny or delay any longer. So many Starseeds and Light Workers are still stuck in ego desires, vanity, greed, fear and doubts. It is the prison of shadow subconscious controlling the mind and emotions. Breathe in crystalline Light, spin your Soul into your Heart Center and Break Free!
The March Eclipse/Equinox will crack open the prison, creating a vacuum void that we need to fill with divine Light and Love. Let’s get focused and join together in the sacred Vortex to set the stage for the New Earth to fill that planetary void. Join Manette and myself on Saturday, February 21st for our Global Intentions broadcast and take progressive action in creating a loving, harmonious world for all.
Lovingly, Meg
Copyright (c) 2015 Meg Benedicte All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Event Registration C1: February Global Intentions Broadcast