Comment: Covid-19 understandably has our full daily attention. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, serious trouble is brewing and is receiving scant attention from the MSM. We may well be on the brink of an all-out shooting war with Iran and its proxies.
"Iranian Vessels Come Dangerously Close to U.S. Military Ships"

Reuters – April 15, 2020 7:20 PM

By Idrees Ali


Critical international developments that we are not hearing about

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  • Good point, GT.  Because the pandemic has taken on the role of distraction from what the cabalists are doing.   Much cheaper than paying jihadists to do their bidding. 

  • The other day, I was wondering why terrorists, of the suicide bomber variety, have completely stopped terrorizing?

    Martyrs who aren't afraid to die, are afraid of some deadly virus? nope?

    What's up with that?

    So happy the interwebs still up at least...

    Nothin' to worry 'bout...4247432001?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • How convenient that the pandemic has taken attention away from a dangerous situation i the gulf.

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