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  • Most economic commentators are predicting this is the Austria that started WWII.  Who can trust banking in Cyprus any longer?  Banking is the base of Cyprus' economy.  Cyprus has been shredded.  It is going to get ugly and the contagion will spread like wildfire. 

    It infuriates me the MSM calls daylight robbery "haircuts."  What arrogance!  A theft isn't a theft if it's your banker rolling you over a barrel.  It's financial rape.

  • They  cannot threaten  the financial livelihood  of people for their greedy  and  unethical practices not to mention doing the bigger banks dirty work.  They cannot  expect there  not to  be  dire  consequences.  They  may  be  able to play  with other peoples money  and get  bailed out. But  many  people  are  suffering from this financial  situation and to them it  may  mean  being put out on the street along with their families.  It is a matter of survival and having their hopes  and their hard work crushed.

    I  see the possibility of  this getting very  ugly.  Here in  the  US especially  if  they  get  any  bright  ideas.

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