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  • A judge just got 28 years for sentencing innocent underage kids to prison for money. I think it was Illinois.

  • Keith

      The privatized prison thing is another one of there scams some states have to keep them 100% full which means they are packed with innocent people manufacturing products for the corporations @ 1dollar per hour. I have a son in law in for 3 years for second offence pot possesition 

  • Steven

       There is a saying from the bible that haunts me at times like this. " Forgive those who trespass against you for they know not what they do "  In the case of our controllers they know very well what they are doing because we asked them to stop and they don't even take time to listen. Even some of the channels have mentioned some of these people are not repairable. I would not want to be the person to delve out the punishment or even watch it but something needs to be done. I always try to remember that these people are killing us slowly so do we let them continue or stop them, Our time is running out. Right now there are 40 groups at the White House asking for Obama to Resign. I would be there also if I weren't on the other side of the corporation.    

  • Well, to be honest I know the right thing is to hope they learn and if they don't they are quickly and peacefully apprehended for more chances to learn to be given to them. But like usual my insides scream bloody revenge and murder to all who ever caused me or any peaceful individual harm.

  • We no not need to get lawless All we need to do is give chemotherapy, aspartame, roundup, GMO's, statin drugs and a controlled Chemtrail environment to live in. And fluoride in their water with wheat bread. If they get sick there are always some nice vaccines for them. I have little feelings for this scum for what they have done to us on purpose so if you want to throw light at them go for it, I would rather throw a metal flashlight at them. When I look at them I see bald headed children in St Jude's hospital dying of chemotherapy and the cancer they gave them.      

  • BTW bitcoin dropping fast...



  • Its the Honest mans dollar compared to any other currency,"lol, just a funny thought" Hope we dont have to resort to this type of thing, placing bounties that is on our unjust leaders and other seemingly unstoppable evil individuals.

  • turned Bitcoin into a commodity...

    wait, what?

    a "bit" is only a representation of a coin...

    or commodity...

    in reality, it is nothing...

    just like the dollar, backed by nothing...

    then, one day... poof!

    that is what you will have...

    no thing,

    as long as people believe in the $$$, the bad guys will maintain power and control


    OK, my brain hurts , so, I have to go now...yep

  • Looks that way

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