For the first time, I truly feel I am risking my life to write these words and you are taking the same risk by visiting websites such as mine. All of us are now labeled. It does not matter whether you agree with what is written on my website, or not. You have been judged and labeled by the mere fact that you are here. It does not matter if you never visit another alternative media website or not. There is now a definitive record of your disloyalty to the state. I seriously doubt if the system perceives a citizen any differently with regard to whether we write the words of disloyalty to the state, or we merely read them. Both groups have sinned against the almighty state in word and deed and they aim to stop you before you might act against this police state. -- Dave Hodges
They blew their last three false flags LA airport, Nuke in NC and the navy yard in DC all three were a total flop. The one thing they have is weather, the Philippines was uncovered and there was another typhoon on the way there that just vanished into thin air because they got caught they did that so they could push the global carbon tax at the climate summit. All those people had to die for a carbon tax, these creeps need to pay for what they do.
Yes, history doesn't have to repeat itself. With the unprecedented awakening (most likely attributable to the internet), we don't have to keep making the same mistakes.
I agree what Dave is gauging all of his predictions on is what has happened in history, but we are in an awakening and they are loosing ground every day. They may still be dangerous but we are winning.
Let's keep looking to a better day for us all. If what we are hearing is true, the cabal is in its death throes. More and more news is coming out about their evil deeds. The collapsing economies may be cushioned by the new system coming on line. But don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open for the truth so you are not deceived.
Another good read from Dave, he has a great way of putting the pieces together to show you the real picture. Since I spent a lot of time reading and understanding Socialism and Agenda 21 it was not hard for me to see where we were headed years ago. Since I knew what the end result always is I prayed that PX do its deed to the earth and reset us on a new path.
I believe we are in a very dangerous time right now and not hard to see Dave does too. The people who want to control us are being uncovered and they have worked so hard for years to get to this point and may do anything to keep the control they have and proceed with more.