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Blossom Goodchild / February 15 / Very uplifting msg
Posted by stembi on February 15, 2025 at 2:37pm
Posted by Wm on January 31, 2025 at 8:10pm
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and for the animals to roam, the rivers to flow, the forests to grow, etc, etc, etc.......
Yep. As long as there is enough land to grow food, plenty of clean water and air, there's plenty of room.
Is the World Over Populated? Lets do the math... The World Can Fit In Texas
The world has a surface area of 510.072 million sq km. Well clearly we can not live any where on the surface of the world as the majority of it is water 361.132 million sq km. The remainer is the land mass 148.94 million sq km. So what is the population of the human race? Estimate is currently at 6,525,170,264 (July 2006 est.).
Now let us do some translations. For every 148 sq km you get 37,000 acres of land.
37,000 acre = 148 sq Km meaning that the world has about 3.68*10 to the 10th Acres of land. I will be using 37,000,000,000 acres for the math below. Now if you were to split that land up between all the people of the earth and gave each one a share each would get 5.67 acres of land.
37,000,000,000/ 6,525,170,286 = 5.67 acres per person
That does not sound like a lot does it? Some may say "Much of the land is unliveable" and they are right so let look at a area where we could make it nearly totally liveable. The Great State of Texas. Texas has a surface area of 261,797 square miles.
1 square mile = 3,097,600 square yards = 640 acres
640 * 261,797 = 167,550,080 acres in Texas
Now lets say we move all the people of the world to the state of Texas. They would each get only .02568 acres of land.
167,550,080 / 6,525,170,286 = .02568 acres per person
That does not sound like alot. But wait how much is .02568 acres?
1 acre = 4,840 square yards
4,840 * .02568 = 124.29 square yards
1 square foot = 1/9 square yard
124.29 * 9 = 1,118.61 square feet
Thusly if we moved every living human to Texas and the split the land amoung them they would each get 1,118.61 square feet. Now you may say that still does not sound like alot. But consider the average square footage of a house.
The British have been using depopulation methods for years, when India was their colony there were always catastrophic storms that destroyed crops in different areas just like today, the British governors would not send food to help the starving people on purpose and this was done for many years before they were caught and millions starved.
The archatect of China's 1 child policy was Henry Kissinger, no surprise to me.
There are scientists that have figured out that all the people on earth could fit in Texas, I will try to find that article. We did not pollute this earth the elite did by making us dependent on fossil fuels. when Tesla could of changed the world. and many other inventions. Why is it that self made billionaires think they have the right to preach eugenics. 20 million dollars is a small portion of the price of the Otraumacare website cost. Or maybe what we send Israel in one week, what we pay in food stamps to illegal aliens or should I say undocumented democrats. A grant to study rat sperm is more important than anyone's life. When your leader say's he is good at killing people you know your turn will be coming some day.
Very true, Keith, very true!
I've read that we currently produce enough food to adequately feed everyone on Earth - and could probably feed more - but we don't distribute it very well!
Good thinking Keith - re: loosing control.
Also, maybe the Atlantians and the Lemurian were 4D crystalline and subsequently needed less food ...
More information that suggests that the 7 billion number may be false.
It's been in recent news that China is relaxing their one-child policy.
I've also read (don't remember where) that Earth can support its population, that it can't is untrue. I don't know if that is a true statement but bears some investigation.
It is true, though, that before antibiotics plagues and pandemics depopulated the world naturally. Since mankind has interfered in the process, population has sprouted. Gruesome, I know, and it's not a call to outlaw antibiotics so nature can do its natural selection thing.
What it does suggest is that the issue should be studied by various groups and an honest maximum number for population should be determined and slow down growth until it becomes workable again.
Now, if we could get the economy to grow like population and the population to slow down like the economy, things would be better, right?
Some, maybe many, may disagree with what I'm about to say - but here goes.
It's a pity the depopulation argument is connected to the act of actually killing off people, satan worship and cabal control - because without that, in some circumstances, it actually makes sense.
The 3D Planet Earth environment probably has a finite amount of humans that it can tolerate/feed/etc to remain in ecological balance. Exactly what that figure is, is open for debate - we may have exceeded it already - then again, if we could improve the distribution of resources (food, etc) and reduce waste, maybe not. However, I would assume that if we keep increasing the population, that at some point in the future we will hit population overload.
If it is determined that we need to reduce the population (to maintain ecological balance) then I certainly wouldn't be advocating killing off anyone - this could be done through a population control process (such as maximizing the number of children per couple, etc). Some couples already do something similar by using their economic situation to decide on their family size - so it is not a new idea. And of course it was mandated (although maybe not a popular move) in China for some time.
I know some will disagree with me here and consider what I have said as taking away a sovereign human right. That is to some extent true, but then again, if it was for the benefit of all humankind couldn't it be considered "service to others" to restrict the population growth?
Let me finish by re-emphasizing that I am totally against killing anyone, satan worship and continuing cabal control - so if anyone thinks I am supporting their agenda - I AM NOT!